What Are The Benefits Of Salt Free VS Traditional Salt Based Water Softener?

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A water softener is a type of unit that helps to soften water by eliminating the minerals that make the water hard. Hard water is the type of water that contains a high level of magnesium and calcium. This water causes several problems all around your house which you may or may not notice until the water system and your appliances fail.

Hard water clogs the pipes, leaves stains behind and also makes dissolving of detergent and soaps in the water a bit difficult. It also creates scales inside the water appliances and also the water system pipes which reduces the efficiency of the water heater. This also means that the water heater will use more energy that results in high expenses of energy.

In hard water, the soaps are not so effective as they react to create magnesium and calcium salt from the organic acid of the soap. When you use hard water to wash your skin it becomes dry and itchy. These are the results of the scum caused by the soap. Even when you use hard water to wash your hair, it will become sticky and less shiny. Some people will also experience other results of hard water and others will be accustomed to the clothes, skin, hair, bedding and other products that are washed using hard water.

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 Homeowners must protect their houses with the use of water softeners. This System will turn hard water into soft water and will increase the lifespan of the home appliances and pipes in your house by preventing clogging and build-up.

You can reduce the negative impacts of hard water by using a water softener in your house. The softeners are designed to eliminate ions that make the water hard by using the process of ion exchange. The antiscalant systems help transform the ions of calcium into crystals of calcium that cannot stay stable and also cannot attach to the surfaces, pipes, hard waters and other such fixtures.

The small crystals are easily rinsed by the flow of water. These are neutral, harmless, stable and heat resistant and will not attach to any of the surfaces such as heaters and pipes to cause deposits of lime.

Water that is treated with the use of softener over untreated hard water has plenty of advantages.

  • Shinier and clearer silverware, mirrors, glassware, cards, tiles and other such fixtures that are used in plumbing
  • Clean and soft skin and also smoother hair
  • It also reduces the soap curd and makes it easy to do the housework
  • It uses less shampoo and soap as it is extremely rich in lather softened water and also soap products
  • The clothes become soft as there are no hard minerals that are trapped in the fabric. The fabrics will also last longer and your whites will stay whiter without dingy Grey as it is caused due to hard water
  • It will preserve all the water appliances like ice makers, coffee makers, water heaters, dishwashers and laundry equipment
  • One can save money on the cost of energy money and your appliances won’t be regular repairs
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Advantages Of Traditional Salt Based And Salt Free Softeners 

There are two different types of water softeners for home. One is a salt-based water softener and the other is a salt-free water softener. The salt-based softeners give a more “slick” feeling when you are in the shower. You will also start to notice that the soaps create more bubbles. Another benefit is that the clothes will stay brighter and the scale build-up will be reduced in the showers and also your skin will be soft. When you use salt-based softeners you have to backwash it now and then and refill the salt tank monthly. This depends on the usage.

The water softeners for a home that is salt free also helps to reduce the build-up of scales and makes your skin soft with the use of a healthy method. One of the advantages of this system is that it can make the water soft without using sodium ions. This system is environmentally friendly and also good for your heart. The salt-based softeners tend to add more salt to the water which creates a negative effect on people who have heart diseases and high blood pressure.

There are cities where people have started to ban the softeners that use salt because high sodium content in water is harmful to the body. The systems that are salt free do not need any maintenance and use no water waste. You do not need electricity, chemicals or salt to turn hard water into soft water.

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The salt-based systems are heavy duty as they do an excellent job to remove the hardness from the water. There are plenty of health concerns and maintenance needs and it is mostly recommended to homeowners who suffer from hard water that has an extreme level of hardness. The salt less systems are hundreds per cent free from salt and it offers safe water to people.

Choose to get the best salt-free softener and turn hard water into soft water.