Congestive Heart Failure: Understand What Exactly Happens?


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Congestive heart failure is a type of cardiovascular disease in which the heart becomes unable to pump the necessary amount of blood. The disease directly affects the pumping capacity of the heart muscles. Damage to the heart in any way can be dangerous for your life. However, complications caused by CHF can be improved with a strict regular healthy lifestyle, medication, or surgery. The early diagnosis lowers the risk of developing CHF symptoms and complications. In the United States, 6.2 million adults have congestive heart failure. In 2018, the disease caused 379,800 deaths.

More About CHF

Congestive heart failure is often referred to as simply heart failure but there is a difference. Congestive heart failure is specifically a condition in which fluid builds up inside the heart, causing insufficient blood flow. The human heart is divided into four chambers. The upper half is called the atria, and the lower half is called the ventricles. All the blood after returning from every organ enters the atria and pumps out through ventricles. Congestive heart failure is a condition when the ventricles cannot pump out the necessary amount of blood. This can happen due to multiple reasons, such as stiffness of the heart muscles, mismatch of heartbeat, or any damage to the ventricles making them weak. As a result, the blood or the other fluids gets build up in the blood vessels of the heart or inside the following organs:-

  • Lungs
  • Abdomen
  • Liver
  • Lower body
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As the disease affects the blood flow, it will also affect the functioning of the organs where the heart cannot pump sufficient oxygenated blood. These symptoms are often called complications of CHF. In some cases, without knowing the actual cause, some people try self-medication in order to resolve the problem. For example, few men may face difficulty in erection due to insufficient blood flow through the penis. Despite consulting the doctor, their awkwardness makes them try self-medication through pills like Cenforce 200

In such cases, there is a higher risk that Cenforce 200 may worsen your condition. In addition, Cenforce 200 contains Sildenafil Citrate that will affect the functioning of the heart and may worsen your condition. 

What Are The Signs Of Worsening Congestive Heart Failure?

The signs of congestive heart failure may not get noticed during its initial stage, regular health check-ups can be helpful in this. The infected person may start to experience changes when the condition gets worse. The symptoms will definitely get worse with time. Therefore, leaving it untreated will lead to other health complications. Depending on the severity of the condition, congestive heart failure symptoms are categorised into three categories:-

Initial Stage: At the time of the initial phase of congestive heart failure, people might experience symptoms, such as:-

  • Fatigue
  • Swelling in ankles, feet, and legs
  • Weight gain
  • Frequently urinating, especially during the night
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At worse stage: The signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure might be noticeable when the condition gets worse, that includes:-

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Cough from congested lungs
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath indicating pulmonary oedema

Severe condition: Here is a list of symptoms that indicates severe congestive heart failure.

  • Chest pain that radiates through the body
  • Rapid breathing
  • Blue skin due to insufficient supply of oxygenated blood to the body
  • Fainting

What Is The Most Common Complication Of Heart Failure?

Any cardiovascular condition will affect your other body functioning if left untreated. Insufficiently oxygenated blood to any part of the body will lead to the respective complication.

  • Kidney damage or failure: Congestive heart failure causes an insufficient supply of blood to the body organs, such as a kidney, that can eventually damage the heart or may also lead to kidney failure. Such situations require dialysis for treatment.
  • Heart valve issues: Valves play a vital role in the heartbeat as it regulates the flow of blood within the heart. Any complications in these valves can lead to improper flow of blood within the heart, causing the heart to enlarge due to pressure created due to inadequate flow of blood within the heart and leads to heart failure.
  • Abnormal heart rhythm: Arrhythmias is a medical condition in which the heart beats irregularly and is considered the major complication of congestive heart failure.
  • Damage to the liver: Congestive heart failure secrets fluids that increase pressure on the liver as this fluid leads to scarring, causing difficulty for the liver to function efficiently.
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Some men with congestive heart failure often have difficulty in erection. Consequently, the doctor may even try a combination treatment consisting of medicines for both CHF and erection difficulty(Cenforce 200).

Some men with such complications often try self-medication as the medicines like Cenforce 200, Viagra are easily available. But these medications, Cenforce 200 contain Sildenafil Citrate that interacts with a nitrate group of drugs often prescribed to people with blood pressure.

The Bottom Line

People suffering from congestive heart failure can improve their condition with proper treatment even though it can be life-threatening. In some severe cases, people may require heart transplantation or support with a ventricular assist device.