At what age should you start worrying about getting your children’s teeth straightened?


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It’s never too early to start thinking about how your child’s teeth will look when they get older. Kumra Orthodontics Washington DC recommends that parents of children under the age of five should schedule their first appointment with a dentist and orthodontist at least once every six months for an exam and cleaning.

Did you know that by age 18, the average person will have lost an average of two teeth? And in some cases, they may lose them as early as age 12. With one in four people experiencing tooth loss before their 30th birthday and many more following suit after, it’s extremely important to take care of your teeth from a young age.

There are many ways of straightening teeth, the most common being Invisalign and braces. But is Invisalign better than braces? Read on to learn more…

Why Invisalign considered being better than braces

Here are some reasons why you may consider Invisalign over braces when straightening your kid’s teeth:

1. Invisvisalign is more comfortable.

With all the advancements that have been made, there is seriously no reason for people to be experiencing pain when wearing braces. With Invisalign, your child will be able to eat normally while they are being treated. This is in stark contrast with traditional braces, where patients have reported feeling “too sensitive” to chew on the wire or brackets after about a week of their treatment.

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2. You can remove Invisalign at any time you want – even before finishing the whole process!

This is an awesome benefit that many parents love because it’s something that simply just isn’t possible with braces. If your kids start school during treatment or have an event coming upright in the middle of their teeth straightening process, just simply remove Invisalign from your child’s mouth and go! There is no way to do that with braces, meaning you would have to wait for your child’s treatment to be completed before removing these.

3. Your child’s teeth will be straighter in less time with Invisalign.

Most kids these days hate wearing braces and would do just about anything to avoid them – even though they may really need to wear them if their teeth aren’t straightening on their own. So this is why we’re seeing more and more parents placing their children into non-traditional treatment such as Invisalign because of the increased hygiene of having removable aligners instead of metal brackets and wires.

Another reason why wearing Invisalign is preferred over traditional braces is because it’s oftentimes easier for young patients who are still growing. Invisalign can move teeth faster than braces because it’s a lot lighter and often less irritating to the mouth.

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4. People won’t know your child is straightening their teeth with Invisalign.

Although not as noticeable as traditional metal braces, people still can see that there is something different about your child’s teeth – which causes others to ask questions. This doesn’t happen nearly as much when wearing Invisalign because they are almost completely invisible from the outside of the mouth. So if you’re looking for a more subtle look or simply want to keep your kid’s treatment on the down low, Invisalign may be perfect for you.

Now that you know why you should consider choosing Invisalign over braces, don’t wait anymore. Contact us today for advice on the best treatment option for your child.