Six Methods to Boost Your Immune System

HealthTips & Tricks

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With the past year-plus of the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve seen too many people suffer and die from the disease. Now, perhaps more than any other time in recent history, we’re focused on immune systems and how we can get healthier in case we get sick.

The nice thing about improving your immune system is that it’s not difficult in the sense that anyone can do it. Yes, certain things, like getting in shape can be hard, relatively speaking, depending on where you’re starting from. However, they don’t require visits to the doctor, usually, and improving your immune system to some degree is possible for anyone. 

If you’re worried about your immune system and want to do all you can to protect yourself from sickness, here are some great places to start. Check out these six methods to boost your immune system starting today!

Lose Extra Weight

We know now, from months of coronavirus data, that one of the biggest health risks for patients was being overweight. Obese patients have a much harder time trying to fight diseases and in recovery. That’s because the body has to work harder to marshal the resources to fight off sickness. Many people responded well to that data and have been exercising and changing diets to try and lose extra weight. If you’re overweight, losing weight is one of the best things you can do to boost your immune system. It doesn’t have to be drastic. Any meaningful change in diet or activity level will have a significant impact on your immune system. 

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Get Better Sleep

When you starve your body of sleep, you’re leaving yourself open to sickness. Your body needs adequate rest to power your immune system and keep you strong in the face of viruses and other illnesses. Getting good-quality sleep and enough sleep is excellent ways to power your immune system. It’s one of the main reasons why doctors so often recommend rest after illness or injury. Your body needs time to heal, and keeping your activity level low lets your immune system focus on areas that need more attention. 

Eat Nutrient-Rich Food

The food you eat fuels your immune system, so it only makes sense that eating healthier foods triggers a faster, more effective response when your immune system kicks in. Avoid unhealthy foods that are high in sugar and other things that you know are bad for you. Opt instead for vegetables, more protein, and avoid late-night snacking. You’ll feel better, have more energy, and your body will be ready to fight when it has to. 

Learn More About Peptides and the Immune System Response

Peptides may offer immune system benefits. One peptide, in particular, IGF-1 DES shows in research to improve immune function by boosting the release of hydrogen peroxide in mononuclear cells. It also promotes pathogen-killing blastocysts. Indications are the IGF-1 DES can be effective in treating the setting of infectious diseases. Research is still very early on, but the initial results are very promising. IGF1-DES is not yet FDA approved for human use. More research is needed to determine future medical possibilities. 

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Take the Right Supplements

In addition to peptides, there are many different kinds of supplements that you can take to improve your immune system and your body’s ability to fight off illness. Luckily, there are a ton of great options that are affordable and easy to buy in stores or online. Take things like Vitamin D, VItamin C, and other popular immune response boosters. You’ll have better energy and your body will be better prepared for whatever comes its way. 

Of course, you can always try to get more vitamins the natural way, via spending time outdoors and eating healthy foods. For people who have to work all day or who live in colder climates where the days are shorter, though, supplements do the trick nicely. 

Avoid Stress

Stress is a known immune system suppressor. Have you ever known people who always seemed to be worried about getting sick? For whatever reason, those folks always ended up being the ones who caught the flu or that cold that was going around. Stress inhibits your body’s ability to fight off illness. You’re putting your body under unnecessary strain, so it has fewer resources to fight disease. Avoid stress as much as you can to stay healthy. 

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These are just some of the things that you can do to boost your immune system. Give these five steps a try and see how you feel. For the most part, you should experience faster recovery, get sick less, and have better energy overall.