Most Popular Card Games


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The tradition of playing card games has been around in India for centuries now. In recent years, despite Covid-19, the tradition has only been passed on and adapted by more people via the internet. Having originated in the 16th century, the first card game played in India was called “ganjifa” and the cards were said to have been studded with gemstones. And when we talk about the digital card games then MTG Arena is definitely at the top of the list. If you are a regular player then visiting this Simply the best webstore for MTG Arena Codes – MTGA Codes Webstore would be a must for you.

Over the years, the popularity of card games like online poker has increased by multiple folds and people have now started making a career out of card games.

In this article, we shall discuss in detail the most popular card games all over the country.

1. Solitaire

One of the games that were made popular in India by the Britishers, solitaire is now one of the well-known card games across the country. 

The best part about this game is that it does not require any additional number of players to play. In the game, the cards are all placed facing down, and the objective of the players is to flip over the cards and arrange them in a certain pattern in order to win. The game was so simple and easy to play that it was the first card game to have been made digitally, allowing the players to play solitaire on any computer or mobile device, regardless of them having internet access. 

Despite the simplicity and the easy objectives, the game is challenging since the players have no idea which card they will get next and hence, making the pattern becomes hard. This is also the reason why it is enjoyed by players across the world and is downloaded by millions of users as a mobile or desktop application. 

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The game has also evolved and been updated with a multiplayer version where real people can compete to arrange the cards in order and stand a chance to win cash prizes.

  1. Poker

One of the oldest and most popular card games in India, Online poker has dominated the card game industry for many years, and the way online poker rooms are progressing, the game will dominate for many years to come. 

Players take turns and bet on the projected value of their hands and their opponents in a game of poker and the one who makes all the others on the table fold their cards is declared the winner. 

Poker players online love the game because of all the different skills that are required to play. For example, online poker is about playing smart and being able to guess which cards your opponents hold, it requires skill to learn the art of bluffing and get your opponents to fold even though you don’t have good cards, and once you win the game after focusing for extended periods of time and playing wits, the satisfaction that it gives poker players online is a feeling that they often chase. 

Most people feel that poker is a game of luck but it is when you actually play the game that players begin to understand that the game is more about skill than mere luck. It is all these factors that come together to make poker as popular as it is today.

  1. Rummy

A classic card game that tests the analytical and mathematic skills of players, rummy is yet another one of those dearly loved card games in the country. 

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Played with a 52 deck card and a joker, the game requires each player to pick and discard cards, ultimately forming sets and sequences with the cards in their hands. The players that are able to hold and form the best sets by picking and dropping cards are declared the winner. 

The easy-to-understand game mechanics and yet the fun it provides to players is what has resulted in rummy climbing the ladder of the most popular card games in the country. The game is also famous in households around the time of festivals, especially Diwali, the time where gambling is considered auspicious. If you don’t know which card game to play for fun or even competitively, give rummy a try and you might just realize why it is on our list of famous card games.

  1. Cheat

A game that creates many doubts and conflicts among people, Cheat (also known as Bluff or I doubt it) is a card game similar to online poker to an extent because of the aspect of bluffing involved in it. 

The objective of the players is super simple, get rid of all the cards. Each player is dealt with a set of cards which they have to place face down, either being honest about which card they hold or bluffing and creating confusion among other players. The first one who manages to get rid of all their cards without arising suspicion or getting caught is declared the winner. 

The game is filled with a night of fun and laughter, with some level of focus involved. You must learn to read your opponent’s playstyle carefully in order to know whether they are being honest or bluffing. A tough game to get good at quickly, but the sooner you can learn to figure out the psychology of your opponent, the better chance you will have of beating them.

  1. Blackjack
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Popular not just in India but all around the world, Blackjack is one game that we can say is based on luck. 

The fact that it is easy to learn and understand is one of the many reasons why this game has made it onto our list of popular card games. There is one player and one dealer in the game, with the agenda of the game being to beat the dealer by getting 21 points or getting as close to 21 points as possible. If you get more than 21 points, you immediately lose and the dealer wins. However, if you can get less than 21 points but manage to get closer to 21 than the dealer, you win the game. 

All the game requires the players to do is announce if they want to “Hit” or “Stay” with the dealer doing all the work in the game. This is what makes it so easy to learn. If you’re new to card games then we certainly suggest you try out blackjack to get to know what luck-based card games feel like and how they are played.


That is all we have for you today with the most popular card games in India. 

There are a ton of games out there but some games like online poker and rummy are so far up as compared to other games that the audience for sites that host these games (like online poker rooms) are so high that they are known by almost everyone who knows or plays card games, recreationally or professionally. We hope that we could help you in figuring out what card game may take your fancy and we wish you the best of luck.