Best ways to prepare for your next exam


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  • Sleep well: It is essential to get adequate rest each night to increase concentration and performance during study hours. Therefore, sleep must be restful, that is, in the morning we find ourselves fresh, awake and relaxed. However, during the course we will be exposed to stressful situations, so, in this case, we will have to resort to infusions or use valerian, to contribute to falling asleep, which is so important at any stage of life. Likewise, it is not advisable to study at dawn, since, during those hours, our ability to memorize and remember what we have learned is considerably reduced.
  • Take breaks between study hours: It is impossible to stay focused on studying for more than an hour. That is why it is vital that regular breaks are taken, in which we can take advantage, for example, to go for a walk to help us disconnect.

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  • Eliminate elements that distract us: Electronic devices are one more element in our day-to-day life, but to study we have to put them aside to avoid distractions. We will have time to answer WhatsApp, watch television or play that game that has hooked us. In addition, it is vital to guarantee the optimal temperature in the study space, neither cold nor hot. We have to be at a comfortable temperature to focus one hundred percent on what we are doing, studying. And, of course, you have to study sitting in a comfortable chair. 
  • Do not mix subjects: We must focus our concentration on a specific subject during each hour of study. Do not try to study all at once in a short space of time. Organize the study with a work plan by subject and gradually climb each step of acquired knowledge.
  • Train the mind: It is the great key to concentrate and memorize better. Our cognitive abilities are there and we must train them so that our mind is agile and active. To improve mental capacity there are games like the famous Sudoku that help us increase mental agility, train the mind.
  • Do not leave everything for the end: Many students make the big mistake of leaving the study for the day before the exam. Big mistake both for the retention of knowledge, and to successfully pass each test. It is advisable to eliminate this practice. It is better to divide the study and subjects into days or weeks. Planning is, without a doubt, our best ally for academic performance. Your activity stream might help your parents and even you better.
  • Control thoughts and self-motivate: It is essential that we convince ourselves that it is up to us to get that extra motivation to face the hours of study. Faced with loss of concentration, you have to say to yourself: “You can”, “go back to study”, “come on, you can do it”, etc. 
  • Practice exercise: Exercising is vital in life to stay in shape and, of course, to improve our academic performance, since with its practice we also train our mind. So, take advantage of each day and practice the sport that you like the most.
  • Power photographic memory with colours in the texts: Underlining the phrases or key words of the texts helps to memorize better. It is important to underline with different colours so that our brain associate’s knowledge with specific colours. Fluorescent markers are key to this end. 
  • The power of action video games: According to a study from the University of Rochester, in New York, those who play action video games have greater visual selective attention and are able to respond to more stimuli. Interesting, right?
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