Secrets of E-commerce Success by Mehtabjit Teja


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Despite the growth and opportunities e-commerce represents for entrepreneurs, most of the people who enter this digital space make the worst mistakes that keep them from building profitable ventures. With online sales now making up to 13% of all sales made across the UK, it’s never been more important for brands to get running an e-commerce website or online store right. Launching an online store is not enough and your hard work does not end here, once your brand is out there in the digital market, you need to focus on promoting your brand for customer retention and finding new customers as well. This is where learning the basics from e-commerce experts like Mehtabjit Teja comes in handy to survive and thrive in this competitive marketplace.

Who is Mehtabjit Teja?

Mehtabjit Teja is the founder and owner of Branzio watches, an online store eminent for selling high-quality watches across the world. He was always motivated to become a successful entrepreneur. He started his journey toward the e-commerce world in 2008 when he was working as a digital strategist for HSBC bank Canada. Embarking on his dream journey in the e-commerce kingdom, Mehtabjit took a short span of time for understanding the dos and don’ts of starting an e-commerce website and soon became the expert. His journey towards earning 8-figures with his several e-commerce ventures was not a piece of cake as he faced many hindrances and hurdles in the initial phase.

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Mehtabjit is a man with an optimistic heart and a strong worth ethic to achieve his dreams. After digging deeper into the industry, he became the owner of several e-commerce stores and Mehtabjit Teja Branzio is one of them. He is managing all his online stores and brands with help of a team of 75+ professionals performing their duties from different locations of the world. He is a self-made billionaire and passionate to share his e-commerce success secrets, knowledge, and experience with beginners. Mehtabjit is on a mission to make e-commerce a more accessible model for everyone so they can also avail the opportunities presented by the industry.

Secrets of e-commerce Success Shared by Mehtabjit Teja

As an e-commerce expert with several years of experience in the field, Mehtabjit has learned that the success of an e-commerce store or website relies on more than offering high-quality products and having a pleasing-to-the-eyes website. These are the basics to get started in the industry but there are many other things to consider when you want to take your business to new heights. Mehtabjit said that online business owners should take good care of things like:

  • ·         Collecting accurate and enough customer data
  • ·         Delivering an excellent (omnichannel) experience
  • ·         Using short and easy-to-use forms and checkouts
  • ·         Going mobile
  • ·         Staying organized with orders and deliveries
  • ·         Regularly testing e-commerce site or store for errors
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Starting and running a successful eCommerce store is not always easier as it seems as you can find many startups fail after a few months. But proper planning, taking the right approach, hard work, determination and consistency are the most important things to make your journey easier and more efficient. Mehtabjit has gained e-commerce secrets from his past efforts and hard work. This is the reason, he always encourages investors and entrepreneurs to enter the e-commerce industry as soon as they can as it is getting more competitive day by day. Thanks to advanced e-commerce development and automation tools, online business owners can automate a variety of tasks easily to have more free time for other important and productive things.

Using the right digital marketing techniques and customer support approaches are the most important things to take your e-commerce business to a whole new level, Mehtabjit adds.