DMCA Ignored Hosting: A New Trend Among Marketers & MMOs


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It seems that every day, there is a new story about a website getting taken down because of a DMCA violation. This can be extremely damaging to a business – in fact, it may take months, or even years, to get a site back up and running. However, there is a solution – which has been gaining increasing popularity among marketers and MMO professionals recently: DMCA ignored hosting.

In this article, we will discuss what this type of web hosting service is, why it is becoming trendy, and how you can protect your website from being taken down.

Why is DMCA so bad?

DMCA is so bad because it allows for the removal of content from the internet without any due process. Too often, websites are taken down because a competitor has filed a complaint against them – which are, in many cases, not legit at all. The resolution process is very complex and time-consuming – most of the time, you’d better start things from scratch again to save time and resources.

In other cases, people who are tight on their budget may want to find a way to produce online content as efficiently as possible. However, the risk of a DMCA takedown notice often deters them from doing so.

How to avoid DMCA – Start with your hosting provider

The best way to avoid DMCA violations is to start with your web host provider. After all, your hosting company has the responsibility of ensuring that their customers maintain a certain legal online presence.

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One solution is DMCA ignored hosting – a type of web hosting where you are not responsible for your hosted content, and therefore do not have to worry about any copyright violations on your website. This is extremely useful if you want to make sure that the content of your site remains there at all times.

Why should you consider DMCA ignored hosting?

DMCA ignored hosting is becoming increasingly popular among businesses that want to keep their websites online without having to worry about copyright violations or other legal issues. This type of web hosting service provides several benefits:

  • First, it allows you to keep control over your website’s content without needing to handle all of the legalities yourself.
  • Second, it makes sure that no one will have the right to remove content from your site. As a result, you can stay up and keep running your online business at all times, even if someone complains about your content.
  • Third, it saves you significant time and money in the process of setting up and maintaining a website.

Are there any drawbacks to DMCA ignored hosting?

There are some drawbacks to using this type of web hosting over traditional options. For one thing, DMCA ignored hosting is typically more expensive – so keep this in mind if you are on a tight budget. That said, most of the time, the additional cost is really worth it.

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In addition, you do need to be sure that the hosting provider you choose is reputable and offers strong protection against legal issues like copyright violations.

How to protect your content with DMCA ignored hosting

For starters, you want to make sure that the DMCA ignored hosting provider has their own official terms and conditions – this makes it difficult for third-party complaints to be sent in.

You also need to check whether your content is hosted on a server that does not allow for any kind of filesharing or torrenting. This way, people will have a hard time making any unfounded claims against you regarding copyright violations.

Furthermore, if you are using WordPress or another CMS platform on your website, the best thing to do is to have all of your pages use relative URLs instead of absolute ones. This ensures that even if someone takes down one page or file, the rest of your website will still be accessible.

Ultimately, the key to sustaining your site’s content is to partner with a reputable DMCA ignored hosting provider – and take all necessary precautions to protect yourself from any potential content violations. With the right measures in place, most of your online content should remain available at all times.

Where can I find a good DMCA ignored hosting provider?

Most providers of this type of web hosting service are based offshore – in countries where copyright laws are often lax, or where copyright complaints are rarely enforced. Examples include Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and many others.

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Among these countries, Cambodia is an option worth considering. Despite it being a less popular choice, the country is known for its abundance of affordable DMCA protected web hosting providers that offer 24/7 customer support. Not to mention, the local government is friendly to both foreign and domestic businesses, making it easy for you to set up your website there.

Want to give Cambodia a try? We recommend that you go with 1Byte – the best hosting company in Cambodia! Not only do they offer a large range of hosting packages to suit your needs, but their servers are fast, reliable, and expertly managed. Plus, their services come backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

In addition to web hosting, 1Byte also offers domain name registration services – with plenty of options to accommodate both international customers and local businessmen looking to buy domains in Cambodia.

Final thoughts

Overall, DMCA ignored hosting is an excellent solution for those who wish to avoid having their website taken down because of a simple mistake. With proper precautions and due diligence on your part – as well as a good hosting provider, you may rest assured that your business will face no issues with copyright compliance.