Smoking Weed Before Tattoo: Yes or No?

Tips & Tricks

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Marijuana has many wonderful properties, such as relaxation, mood improvement, and stress reduction. It’s also a great natural alternative to painkillers. For example, it can alleviate headaches, muscle pain, and pain caused by neuropathic disorders, rheumatism, fibromyalgia, and other conditions. But is marijuana as effective with other types of pain, such as that caused by tattooing? Let’s try to see what science and anecdotal evidence say about this. This article also discusses the potential effect of weed on inflammation and anxiety. 

Weed and Pain: How Does It Work? 

Marijuana’s chemical compounds, such as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN), are mainly responsible for the plant’s analgesic effect. They affect the endocannabinoid system in the human body, which regulates pain, sleep, appetite, etc. Moreover, marijuana may create a sense of happiness and euphoria, which will alter your subjective experience of pain. 

You can smoke weed both before tattooing and after it. The procedure will be less painful and uncomfortable if you smoke before the session. Smoking a joint afterward is also a great pain reduction method, which will help you relieve stress and reduce pain and swelling. For example, you may find marijuana particularly helpful if you cannot fall asleep because of pain and swelling in the tattooed area. 

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If you live in LA, you can take advantage of fast weed delivery services. Type “marijuana delivery Los Angeles” in your search engine to choose the quickest delivery options in your area. Home delivery is a great service when you suddenly realize you’ve run out of painkillers but need immediate pain relief. It’s also a lifesaver if you are ready to cancel your tattoo session because you are too scared. We understand that wanting a tattoo and actually getting it is not the same, and it may take a lot of courage to carry out your plan, especially if you want a large tattoo. Smoking a joint will help you calm down and fight fear and negative thoughts. You will be able to show up more determined and focused. 

However, we need to warn you that pain perception and the body’s reaction to marijuana are very subjective. Some people notice a powerful effect of weed on pain, whereas others argue that it doesn’t help them. So, try to explore your body’s reaction to cannabis before going to a tattoo session to be fully prepared for potential painful sensations. 

Will It Help with the Inflammation? 

Tattoo pigment may cause local and systemic inflammation. Your skin under and around the tattoo may swell and become red and irritated. Swelling restricts movement that could potentially cause further damage. So, the swelling is there to help the skin heal. Although inflammation is a normal reaction that goes down on its own, it’s nonetheless unpleasant. 

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Marijuana may facilitate the process of skin healing due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also boosts your immune response, so your body will fasten the overall recovery. You can smoke marijuana before and after getting a tattoo to make inflammation less painful. Additional methods of inflammation reduction may also be useful:

  • Ice the tattoo
  • Elevate the affected area
  • Rest as much as possible 

What About Anxiety? 

Marijuana is a first-class anxiety reliever. So, if you are worried about not being able to withstand the pain, it can help you relax and calm your mind. You will become less jittery, which is important for the tattoo artist to complete the work accurately. An ugly tattoo is the last thing you want, right? 

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However, if you’ve never done a tattoo and never tried weed before, pairing these two experiences may be too much. It’s hard to say how your body will respond to weed and whether you’ll get the desired effect. Some people report side effects after smoking weed. These include:

  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Impaired body movement 
  • Dry mouth and eyes

You may also experience mood and behavioral changes, so be careful with the dosage. Nobody wants to hear your giggles during the tattoo session. Besides, showing up completely stoned is disrespectful, to say the least. So, we recommend smoking weed before tattooing only if you know that it doesn’t change your cognition. Opt for strains with a moderate amount of THC that won’t make you too high. 

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It’s important to add that marijuana will not affect the quality of work. It won’t make your tattoo brighter or prettier, as the quality of work depends on the tattoo artist’s skills. 

To Smoke or Not to Smoke 

Wherever to consume weed before tattooing largely depends on the individual in question. If you respond to marijuana well and experience pain relief and relaxation without getting couch-locked, feel free to smoke a joint before you enter the tattoo salon. However, come sober if you have doubts and worry about the side effects. You can always smoke marijuana after the work is done, which will be equally beneficial for pain relief but less humiliating in case you experience any side effects.