how to suggest friends on facebook?-Let’s Find Out!

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Let’s find out how to suggest friends on Facebook: It is great to make friends on Facebook, but how do you suggest a friend? Sometimes we want to recommend a friend of ours to another on Facebook. It’s great to have familiar friends and catch up with them. The feature of suggesting friends on Facebook has been dropped from Facebook. You don’t have to worry. We have other ways for you to suggest friends to your other friends. What are the simplest ways to add a friend to Facebook?

How To Suggest Friends On Facebook?

Using Facebook messenger, you can suggest friends on Facebook from the desktop. How to do it

  1. Visit the Facebook page
  2. Use your credentials to log in
  3. You can suggest a friend’s profile by opening it
  4. Click on the URL
  5. Copy the entire text
  6. To give a suggestion to a friend, go to their profile
  7. Click the message icon on the left side of the screen
  8. In the message box at the bottom of the screen, paste the URL

How To Suggest A Friend In Fb?

How to suggest a friend in Fb? It is also possible to send a suggestion to a friend via your smartphone. Follow these steps to get started

  1. Get the Facebook app for your phone and open it
  2. Use your credentials to log in
  3. You can suggest a friend’s profile by opening it
  4. Right-click on the 3 dots
  5. View the main profile by tapping on it
  6. Click on the three dots again
  7. Click on the copy link to copy it
  8. To give a suggestion to a friend, go to their profile
  9. Click the message button on the left
  10. In the message box at the bottom of the screen, paste the URL


Is there a button on Facebook that lets you suggest a friend?

Facebook has removed the suggest friend button from its website, but you can still suggest friends through Facebook Messenger.

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Facebook How to suggest friends?

It is also possible to send a suggestion to a friend via your smartphone. Follow these steps to get started

  1. Get the Facebook app for your phone and open it
  2. Use your credentials to log in
  3. You can suggest a friend’s profile by opening it
  4. Right-click the 3 dots
  5. View the main profile by tapping on it
  6. Click on the three dots again
  7. Click on the copy link to copy it
  8. To give a suggestion to a friend, go to their profile
  9. Click the message button on the left
  10. In the message box at the bottom of the screen, paste the URL

Facebook Friend Suggestions: How Do They Work?

Facebook’s suggestions depend on many factors, such as mutual friends, education information, workplace, and network area. The “people you may know” section contains information.

More on how to suggest friends on Facebook,

  • Is Facebook able to suggest friends who look at your profile?

You are more likely to be suggested on a Facebook profile if you visit it often. In the same way, if someone views your profile several times, they will be recommended to you on Facebook as a friend.

  • What Is The Difference Between A Friend Suggested And A Friend Request?

They are only suggestions, and Facebook does not send friend requests to those they suggest. You may also be encouraged to engage with friends on Facebook who haven’t interacted with you recently.

  • What Is The Most Effective Way To Suggest A Friend On Facebook In 2022?

You can suggest friends to someone navigating to their profile. Click the “Friends” button on the person’s page. Select “Suggest Friends…”. Find a person, then click “Suggest Friends…”.

  • Factors Affecting Facebook’s Friend Suggestions

How to suggest a friend in Fb? You can learn more about each factor and how Facebook uses it to help you add more friends here.

  1. Common Friends
  2. The Facebook activity you engage in
  3. Contacts added to the system
  4. Location
  5. Viewers of Your Profile
  • Common Friends

For several years, Facebook has used similar friends to recommend individuals in the “People you may know” section.

“Mutual friends” is the platform’s official term.

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A person appearing in your recommendation section may be friends with another friend.

View the “mutual friends” section on the suggested individual’s profile.

On Facebook, you can easily add a common friend.

We use this metric to ensure you get recommendations simply because you know.

School kids find classmates on Facebook through mutual friends.

Mutual friends cannot be turned off or used to recommend people.

It’s a two-way street.

People you see in your “People you may know” section may also be seeing your account.

Click on the remove button next to the add friend button to remove the person from your profile.

When you remove an individual, Facebook won’t recommend them again.

  • The Facebook activity you engage in

The algorithm uses your activity on the platform to recommend friends.

The network considers various things as activities.

Facebook will recommend people to you based on the groups you have joined.

Perhaps you should talk to the person in the comments.

If you have contacted someone on Messenger they are not on your Friends list, Facebook may recommend them.

You will be encouraged to add the person.

Tags are also included in the activity category.

You may be tagged in a post.

Platforms consider that the person who tagged you may know you.

“People you may know” is likely to be recommended.

Facebook may also recommend a friend to you based on the comments you’re tagged in.

You may see a person’s suggestions if they tag you in a comment, but you are not friends with them.

You may also receive an individual message encouraging you to add the person.

Facebook uses this metric to suggest friends that you cannot control.

  • Contacts added to the system

Facebook friend suggestions are greatly influenced by the contacts you upload.

Due to the platform’s ability to ensure you know the person they recommend.

Not everyone on your contact list will be someone you know, so there may be loopholes.

Suggestions are often based on uploaded contacts and previous interactions.

You may also be considered if you have both been tagged together.

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You won’t see every single contact suggested by the algorithm.

Other metrics, such as mutual friends and common groups, are used to identify individuals you are most likely to know.

You can also see that the person is on your contact list.

Individual recommendations are not random.

Facebook allows you to control how suggestions are displayed.

Keeping your contacts off the social media app and Messenger app will prevent them from showing up in your recommendations.

Facebook may suggest you to people with your number if you connect your contacts.

You must turn off Facebook’s privacy settings if you don’t want your contacts to know you’re on the social network.

  • Location

Facebook once said it used the location to recommend friends, but later retracted that claim.

Facebook’s location-based friend suggestions have been disputed.

You won’t be suggested friends based on your live location.

Facebook suggests friends based on your city and town in your “About” section.

Location-based recommendations don’t compromise your privacy.

You won’t know that the same town or city was used.

Also, you may not know the exact reason for a recommendation.

If you don’t know the person, remove the suggestion.

If you don’t want Facebook to suggest the same person again, block them.

When blocking, you can explain that you don’t know the person to help the platform suggest friends.

  • Viewers of your profile

This factor is not explicitly included in Facebook’s algorithm for recommending friends, but according to some users, it is.

If you use your account regularly, you may have noticed this.

Viewing someone’s profile initiates interaction.

It may use this to recommend someone in your network.

You may also appear in the suggestions of the person whose ID you viewed.

People who appear in your recommendations without mutual groups, common friends, or appearance in a group or tagged post may have viewed your profile.

You can also use your linked accounts to recommend friends.

The suggested section may include people you know on other social networks.

Avoid linking your account to off-Facebook activity.


Friends on Facebook are a plus, and mutual friends are even better. It’s helpful to suggest friends to other friends. Any messaging app can forward the link to one’s Facebook profile to another friend. Here is the easiest way to suggest a friend on Facebook.