4 Things to Do to Prepare for Your First Virtual Internship

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Your future seems to be as bright as the lighting all around you in the big global village! UAE has been the magnet attracting all sorts of brain powers worldwide. As a result, you will likely get your line of expertise here. A virtual internship is the best way to get real-time insight into how the organization works. 

The UAE is the social and economic hub and is a global village. This means there are more than enough opportunities for everyone; you need to know your skillset and field of interest.

How to Find a Decent Internship Opportunity? 

Looking for an internship can be a test in itself. A person should know about their capabilities and area of expertise before starting the hunt. It is easy to get lost in the massive overload of online knowledge and links. The focus is the most important thing in this step. 

One should research and get all the help available to find suitable places to apply. There are times when you might have thought about giving up while in search of a good internship opportunity. The good news is that there is no need to panic. 🙂  

Multiple agencies and headhunters would be looking for someone exactly like you, and such agencies become an agent for the two of you to meet and sign a contract for a virtual internship. 

Virtual Internship

Before moving on, let’s discuss what a virtual internship is. Virtual internship or working from home means you don’t have to go to a specific place daily to make an income or work for an organization. You can work from your place no matter where you are. You will need a device, a good internet connection, and a good Internship in UAE. 

An internship is important; it can be a real-life internship where you have to go to the office and sit with other colleagues and perform tasks assigned to you, or you can be doing a remote internship. 

Virtual internship or online internship means you can work in an online setup for a firm. The company will hire you and give you an opportunity for a UAE internship, that too for a remote internship. 

Student internships in UAE are also shifting towards online internships, especially after the Pandemic. This has been true for the entire world. More and more jobs and internships offer the flexibility of working from home or remotely. 

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Benefits of Remote Internship

More often than not, people are inclined towards the opportunity given to them to work from home. There are undeniable benefits that are not there in a brick-and-mortar office and job. 

The benefits of remote internships include the following:

  • Saved costs: there are multiple costs that you save by working online. Day-to-day expenses, like; fuel/transportation costs, even the organization saves costs like lower energy bills, lower maintenance costs, etc. 
  • The flexibility of working: in an online internship, you have the flexibility of working as per your wish and in your style. 
  • Saves time: you can work from wherever you are; you don’t have to be present at one place or a specific time.
  • For the organization, it is easier to do boundary-less recruiting. The candidates can be from anywhere and still be willing to work for your firm virtually; this increases the brain power of the company. 

There are many other benefits related to virtual internships and working from home. Student internships in Dubai are also more inclined towards hiring interns for remote internships for all the benefits listed above. 

Now that you have got the perfect online internship in UAE with the help of some great professional recruitment agencies, you should start working on putting your best foot forward. 

Things to Do to Prepare for Your First Virtual Internship

First things first, congratulations on bagging an internship in UAE! You are on the highway to success by making the right choices. Once you have deiced that you want to join an organization for their online internship, there are a few things that you must be doing before you join. These things will help you blend in well, understand the organization better, and know what is expected of you. 

It is not easy to gel in a new place, but the good thing is that you will be doing the internship from your haven; you don’t have to go to an office or a working setup. But there are things you should be careful about and a code of ethics that you must follow even if you work from home. 

  1. Get to Know the Organization

This is the first and most crucial step. When you receive an acceptance or appointment letter, you should start doing your research about the company. First, of course, you must know the basics, like; what the company is about, its products/ services, etc. But now you need to dig deep.  

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You must understand what is expected of you, your internship job, and the mode of communication. As much as it is liked and beneficial that you have the liberty of working from home and have the desired flexibility, it is also important for you to be in the loop. Always know who to contact and who to report under. Otherwise, you might be lost in the company’s hierarchy that you are yet to visit. 

Getting to know the organization also means reading up about the colleagues and how they work a support system. 

2. Be Mentally and Physically Prepared to Kick it Off in the Right Manner 

Now that you have an online internship in UAE and know about the company, you can better understand what and how to prepare. 

Before starting to work for a company, as important as it is to know what they expect of you, it is also important to understand for yourself what you are looking for, your personal growth, your financial benefits, etc.

Mentally, you should train your mind for the workload and the pressure of expectation. You will have to multitask and meet the deadlines. Are you ready for that pressure? 

Even if you don’t go to the physical office, you will still be required to report to a certain person; this will require you to be present and complete tasks on time with utmost professionalism. 

Schedule your commitments appropriately. You must understand that working in an organization means a lot of responsibility, even if you are working remotely. You are expected to fulfill a certain role. Refrain from over-exerting yourself, and do not overpromise. 

Only take the workload that you can easily handle. It is an internship, so they will probably be judging you for a more permanent job, so be efficient and deliver what you promise in the most authentic way possible. Stay within your promise, as this will leave a positive impression. 

While working, ensure you have everything you might need by your side. Also, see to it that there are no distractions like; loud music, TV, people, etc., dedicate a room to your work and treat it as your office. 

This will also make it more real for you. Make sure to have a healthy breakfast before you start working, so you don’t have the urge to snack in between. 

3. Stay Connected and Communicate 

You are on your first professional internship, and everything is new. It is always better to stay connected to your organization and its people. Take your time to know the people and understand how the hierarchy works. Most companies in the UAE have two-way communication, so it will be fine for you to talk to your in-charge. 

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To stay in the loop, you need to make contacts. This is important. Before even starting, you should know who your fellow interns are, who your in-charge is, the medium used for communicating among team members, etc. Try to know everything before you start to make it easier for you to transition into your new role as an intern. 

Always be ready to communicate; even if you have queries, ask your senior. The questions will make you well-informed and tell the senior that you are learning and trying to work efficiently for the organization. 

If you have other interns working with you, try to get to know them professionally. Contact them personally and make small chit-chat so that both of you become acquaintances. This will also benefit both of you during and even after your internship.  

4. Create a Pattern: 

Your student life was very different from what you will be as an intern. However, even if it’s a remote internship, you will still be required to perform as a professional. Therefore, internships are important; they set the record for your professional life in that organization and your career in the long run. 

Before starting your internship, make a healthy and efficient pattern for yourself. As you will be expected to multitask, taking care of your mental and physical health will also be important. 

Make a sleep pattern so that you wake up early and fresh to start your day, eat the right food, exercise to boost your energy levels, revise a few key notes that might help in your internship tasks, brush your memory and freshen your concepts, etc. 

The pattern will make your body and mind adjust to the new pressure and easily meet the new expectations. 

All these steps are for you to enter the world of the profession and build a career seamlessly. However, it is also important to understand your interest and know whether your personal growth is happening in this internship. 


A virtual internship may be easier in some aspects, but there is also increased pressure to prove yourself and meet expectations. It is a step-by-step process to enter the ocean of your career and make space for you among the sharks and the dolphins. To survive, you need to prepare well and stay on the path of moving forward. 

Making connections and ensuring the health of your mind and body will benefit you professionally and personally. Be smart and make the right choices.