Don’t overlook it: why you shouldn’t skip on a forklift repair

Tips & Tricks

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Anyone with even the slightest amount of warehousing experience will tell you this: forklifts aren’t to be messed with. Like any other vehicle, they are susceptible to damage that can not only cost your business but can also be extremely dangerous for operators and nearby staff!

Even the most minor of damage can exacerbate into a bigger problem, so here is why you should never skip on the best forklift repairs Melbourne has available:

  1. Your forklift has (obviously) incurred some form of damage

This piece of machinery is susceptible to a range of damage that can either stem from accidents, environmental factors or negligence. Machine damage can come in a range of forms, including:

  • Leaks: There are numerous parts of the machine that could experience leaks, including cooling, hydraulic and steering systems. A warehouse floor covered in significant leaks is a safety hazard (not to mention requires endless cleaning!) so it is best just to fix the problem in the first place;
  • Strange smells: Strange smells are a sign that your machine’s system is not running properly, with foul smells omitted from battery damage and exhausts a safety hazard for the operator;
  • Damaged forks: Damaged forks are a health hazard as if they fail to operate they could drop a load mid-lift, thus potentially injuring personnel and damaging the load;
  • Damaged chains: This is another way to send a load slamming to the ground, thus potentially destroying the load and risking a serious health hazard to your team;
  • Jerking mast: Once again, this is another type of damage that could incur the same nasty outcomes. If your jerking mast isn’t lifting and lowering smoothly, be sure to have it immediately repaired, as this is just a gnarly accident waiting to happen to both your operator and the product they are (trying to) carry!
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These are just some of the indicators that your model is in serious need of repair, with problems like safety light failure, smoke omission and spongy brakes also key indicators that your machine is not running at full or safe capacity and requires immediate, professional repair.

  1. Damage exacerbates over time

Whilst you may only notice a minor problem with your machine, you will be well aware that like other vehicles this type of machinery worsens over time. Not only does that continue and exacerbate the danger posed to your operators and surrounding staff, but it will also cost far more to fix in the future. So better idea is to get it repaired as soon as possible and replace the damaged fork lift parts quickly.

Even the most minor of fork, chain or mast issues can exacerbate into a serious issue down the track, so be sure to call in the pros to ensure this problem is stopped in its tracks.

  1. It is safer for everyone

At the end of the day, your team’s health and safety is the most important thing. The last thing you want is to have the burden of one of your staff becoming severely injured, as this can not only cause extreme guilt, but could also leave you liable to paying any medical bills and extra expenses as a result of the incident.

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The best way to ensure the health and safety of your operators is to fix any issues that have arisen with this technology. That way, you will have one less stress on your hand every time you pass the machine assessment and its operator with the knowledge that it is in full and safe working order and that it is getting the job done properly!