What Are the 6 Different Types of Garage Door Insulation?


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If you’re a homeowner, you’ve heard about the benefits of insulating your garage door. The right kind of insulation will keep your home cooler in the summer and cosier in the winter, saving you money on energy bills and making your home more comfortable overall. But what type of insulation should you use? What are the different kinds of garage door seals in Melbourne? Read on to find out.

What Do You Mean by Garage Door Insulation?

Garage door insulation refers to adding insulation materials to a garage door to improve its energy efficiency and reduce heat loss in cold weather. The insulation seal is an apt solution for the garage door’s interior and exterior. Insulation workers use various materials to help keep the garage warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Benefits of Garage Door Insulation-

  • Lower energy costs.
  • Make the garage space more comfortable by keeping it warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
  • Reduce noise transmission
  • Improve its durability by reducing the stress placed on the door, which can help extend its lifespan
  • Increase the value of your home.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint 

Types of Garage Door Insulation

There are different garage door seals in Melbourne that can help maintain your garage’s temperature and enhance comfort levels. Let’s have a deep look into these and how we can utilise them for insulation-

Foam Board Insulation

Foam board insulation is an affordable option made from polystyrene or polyurethane foam. It is typically used for metal doors but is also common for wooden ones. Foam board insulation is easy to install but is less effective at reducing noise or air infiltration than other types of insulation. It also won’t last as long as other types of insulation, so you will need to replace it often. However, foam board insulation does provide good thermal protection and can help reduce energy costs if installed accurately by experienced professionals.

Reflective Foil Insulation

Reflective foil insulation is made from aluminium and other materials designed to reflect heat away from your home. This type of insulation is excellent for hot climates because it helps keep your home cool by reflecting heat outside instead of trapping it inside your home. Reflective foil insulation is also easy to install but doesn’t provide much soundproofing or air infiltration protection like foam board insulation. 

Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is the most popular type of garage door insulation because it provides excellent thermal protection and can reduce energy costs significantly if installed correctly. Spray foam is applied directly onto the surface of your garage door. It expands once applied, creating a tight seal around your garage door that helps prevent air infiltration and noise pollution while providing excellent thermal protection at the same time. Spray foam is one of the most effective forms of garage door insulation available. It can also be the most expensive option and requires professional installation due to its hazardous nature when inhaled or exposed to the skin without protective gear.

Fibreglass Insulation

Fibreglass insulation is common for insulating garage doors. It is made from fine glass fibres woven to form a mat or batting. Fibreglass insulation is known for its durability, fire resistance and thermal performance; it can withstand high temperatures and humidity. It is available in different thicknesses and R-values, which indicate its thermal resistance. R-value measures thermal resistance and depends on the insulation material’s thickness and density. Fibreglass insulation is easy to install on the garage door’s interior and exterior. It is an excellent choice for homeowners looking to improve their garage space’s energy efficiency and comfort.

Radiant Barrier Insulation

Radiant barrier insulation reflects heat radiation rather than absorbing it. It is from a reflective material, such as aluminium foil, applied to one or both sides of a substrate, such as kraft paper or polyethene. When installed in a garage door, radiant barrier insulation can help reduce the amount of heat that enters the garage during the summer, which can help to keep the space cooler and reduce energy costs.

Radiant barrier insulation reflects radiant heat, transferred through the air by infrared radiation, back towards its source. It prevents the heat from entering the garage, which helps to keep the space cooler. Radiant barrier insulation can be especially effective in hot climates, where the sun’s rays can cause the garage to become extremely hot during the summer.

Cellulose Insulation

Cellulose insulation is made from recycled paper products, such as newsprint or cardboard. It is treated with fire retardants and pesticides to make it resistant to fire, pests and mould. Cellulose insulation is common in garages, attics, walls, and other home areas where additional insulation is needed. It is popular for garages because it is inexpensive, easy to install, and an effective insulator. Additionally, cellulose insulation is eco-friendly. 

Cellulose insulation is also a good choice for garage door insulation because it is dense and settles over time. It creates an effective barrier against heat loss and air infiltration. 

Final Say

Garage door seals in Melbourne can make a huge difference in keeping your home comfortable all year round while reducing energy costs simultaneously. Depending on your specific needs, a few different types are available, each offering unique benefits ranging from noise reduction to thermal protection. Consider the unique characteristics of these insulation materials and choose the kind that best fits your needs. Or you can also contact Insulation Garage Door, the insulation specialists, to weigh the pros and cons of each type and get the best fit for your home needs.