Online Dating: Interesting Topics to Discuss with Your New Girlfriend


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Online dating is on the rise. As more people start looking for relationships online, more challenges related to the new means of communication develop. While some users of dating services struggle with technological issues, for others the problem lies with the communication itself. 

We’ve all been there: you’re chatting with someone online, things are going well, and then – nothing. You can always choose incredible sexy Russian girls for dating, for example, at, but having interesting conversations is key to developing a great relationship. 

If you want to make sure that your conversations go in the right direction, here’s our list of conversational topics and questions that will help you get to know someone better.

Talk About What You Did That Day

This simple question may give a start to a fascinating conversation with unpredictable turns. Asking about the other person’s day is a good way to get them talking and sharing their experiences, opinions, and thoughts.

Family and Friends

If you’re interested in someone, it’s a good idea to ask them about their family and friends. This will give you an insight into their personality and how they interact with others. You could ask them what their parents are like, how they met their best friend, or how often they meet with their friends. 

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Goals and Ambitions

Your girlfriend will be interested in knowing what you want in life, so it’s important that you share this information with her. You can tell her about your dreams and aspirations, as well as what changes you want to make in the future. You might also want to discuss the next few years of your life with her; maybe both of you have plans for traveling or starting a family together – whatever it may be!

Pets and Animals

Pets are a great way to learn about your partner’s personality. If you both have pets, it will be a great chance for bonding. If you don’t have a pet, ask if your girlfriend has ever had one in the past; this will give you more information about her childhood and family life.

Travel Experiences

This topic is a great way to learn about each other. It can reveal some of your partner’s key personality features and habits, whether they are responsible and initiative or more of a passive observer, what places they like most and how they like to relax or have fun. In addition, this conversation can open an opportunity of planning a trip together that you both will enjoy.

Pastimes and Interests

When you’re getting to know someone, it can be helpful to know what their interests and hobbies are. This will help you figure out if there’s any overlap in your own pursuits so that you can share them together.

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More Questions

  • What is your favorite song and why? This is a great topic to discuss because it can help you learn more about your new girlfriend’s personality and interests. You can talk about the lyrics, the artist, or even the genre of music that they like.
  • When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried, and why? There are many ways to go about this. For example, you both can tell a funny story from your life, share an experience from recently, tell a joke, or share something funny on YouTube.
  • Who are the most interesting people you have met? This will give you a better idea of what she appreciates in other people. 
  • What do friendships mean to you? This topic will give you a chance to learn more about her and her values. 
  • Why did your last relationship fail, and what did you learn from it? This will give you and her an opportunity to share what you learned from your past relationships. You may find out something about yourself, or even learn something new about dating/relationships in general!


The best way to get to know someone is by asking them questions. Don’t be afraid of starting with simple topics – they may bring you to a deeper conversation. With our list of topics and questions, you can build up a picture of each other without having any awkward silences or pauses in the conversation!

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