The 11 most effective treatments for COVID-induced sore throats


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The old way to deal with a sore throat was to consume a cup of tea or coffee or to take a few pills for the cough and get back around. There are several symptoms of Omicron Covid, and sore throat is known to be one of them. According to the latest British survey, most Covid patients have been diagnosed with a sore throat Covid. Whereas the other survey states that the Delta variant of Covid showed fewer symptoms of a sore throat when compared with Omicron patients.

Several Associates in New York, ENT, and Peter Ashman (otolaryngologist) confirm that Covid shows fewer respiratory symptoms when compared with upper respiratory symptoms. According to this, you can estimate Covid sore throat is common. Additionally, the strain of cough and sneezing is easily contagious. The reason behind this is by coughing and sneezing spreads more virus in the environment.

In what circumstances does COVID sore throat occur?

As a general rule, sore throats result from viruses. Whether you suffer from COVID, a common cold, or the flu, the viruses bind to specific types of cells in your bloodstream. It is according to Shawn Allen, MD, a rhinologist and ENT specialist at My Houston Surgeons. Specifically, it can affect the mucous membrane in the nose or throat that runs toward the airways. As a result, the back of the throat becomes inflamed, causing it to feel scratchy and hoarse.

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If you have a sore throat caused by COVID, what is the appropriate treatment for it?

To make your body fight the virus. There are certain precautions you can take to make yourself comfortable. It can help you to defend against sore throat Covid also.

  • Take Rest: As per the doctor, Ashman, you may allow your body to take the required rest and avoid physical activities to fight Covid. Not taking proper rest and working continuously can irritate your body and throat. It leads to more stress and causes dryness.
  •  Consume OTC: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) are examples of OTC pain medicines. These meds can help you to avoid Covid sore throat in an effective way. If you are suffering through more pain, you can take ibuprofen. Because there are several studies that show ibuprofen is way better than Acetaminophen.
  • Drink plenty of water: Now is a good time to follow the drinking water rule. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day and drinking hot water will help you soothe your throat. To implement a more effective method of treatment you must keep your body hydrated by drinking hot and normal liquids.
  • Eat ice chips: You can drink frozen water by sucking on ice chips. The cold can help numb the throat over time, according to Dr. Allen.
  • Get the voice test: Professional singers know that silent treatment can help a voice recover. In this digital age, you can text your partner or friends for takeout while you isolate yourself quietly.
  • Dr. Ashman recommends using honey to ease throat pain and dryness. You can include honey in your tea or hot water, use honey lozenges, or even eat a spoonful (note: do not give honey to children under the age of 1).
  • Using salt water to gargle has been shown to significantly reduce the pain and inflammation associated with sore throats. The concentration of salt to water should be experimented with (between 14 teaspoons and 1 teaspoon per 8 ounces of water) to find the mix that feels most comfortable for the individual.
  • Cool, dry air is the enemy of those recovering from sore throats during the winter, says Dr. Allen. In addition to keeping a humidifier in your room, he recommends turning up the thermostat a bit. It is also possible to soothe the airways by taking a warm, steamy shower.
  • Dr. Allen points out that, while throat sprays are available in drugstores to soothe sore throats, they only provide temporary relief. Lozenges, which provide soothing relief as long as they remain in the mouth, are preferred by him. According to Dr. Ashman, look for sprays or lozenges that contain menthol, benzocaine, or dyclonine as one of the ingredients.
  • Coffee and spicy foods can irritate the throat, and Dr. Allen also recommends avoiding foods that require effort to swallow, such as chips and crusty bread.
  • Don’t smoke: Smoking is injurious for you all the time, but it makes you feel even more miserable when you have a sore throat.
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When you are vaccinated against COVID, is it still possible to develop a COVID sore throat?

Yes, but if you are vaccinated and boosted, chances are your sore throat will not be as severe or last as long. Vaccination status has not been specifically studied, but studies show that those who are vaccinated have milder symptoms and shorter durations and severity, says Dr. Ashman. Omicron symptoms lasted an average of 4.4 days for vaccinated and boosted people, compared with 6.87 days for all people. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the vaccine may also reduce the severity of COVID sore throats.”

What is the duration of COVID sore throat?

COVID often begins with a sore throat, which can last from two to three days to a week, according to Dr. Allen. In extreme cases of COVID, sore throats may last for several weeks, he adds.

Is Paxlovid effective at treating sore throats?

When taken within the first five days of the onset of COVID, Paxlovid can help your body clear the virus. This, in theory, will reduce the duration of your sore throat. Those who are eligible to take Paxlovid must have mild-to-moderate symptoms and risk factors, such as being over 65, having a chronic illness, or being immunocompromised.

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Is there a time when I should be concerned?

If you are experiencing difficulty swallowing or breathing, have a change in your voice, or are experiencing a high fever, you should contact your physician immediately, advises Dr. Ashman. There is a consensus among both experts that if you have a sore throat for more than two weeks, you should consult your primary care physician or a throat specialist to determine whether there is something else causing the sore throat, such as prolonged COVID, a throat ulcer, or a malignancy.