Why You Should Not Leave Receding Gums


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If you have receding gums, you might be under the impression that this is just a cosmetic problem. In other words, you are seeing more of your teeth than you used to, which might change your smile. There is perhaps no urgency for treatment because you do not think it is such a big deal. But, you have to realise that receding gums is a form of gum disease. This means that there can be consequences to leaving the condition untreated. It should be taken seriously.

Would you like clarity on why gum recession can be a problem? Let’s investigate what we know about this type of gum disease and why you should not leave receding gums any longer.

What Gum Recession Can Lead to

Gum recession can have some bad consequences for your oral health if you do not get help from your dentist. Here is what this type of gum disease can lead to.

Tooth Sensitivity

When you have receding gums, this can mean that your teeth become more sensitive to temperature changes. For example, you might notice some discomfort when you are drinking hot beverages or eating something cold.

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Tooth Loss

Nobody wants to lose their teeth, and this is especially true if it can be prevented. Unfortunately, if you leave gum recession, that can mean that teeth are more exposed than normal. There are more gaps, and this can allow bacteria and plaque to form. Over time, the tooth can be damaged, and eventually, it can get weaker and break or fall out.

What To Do About Receding Gums

Ultimately, receding gums is a type of gum disease, which means that you want to act if you believe you have this. The gum tissue does not grow back, and it can get worse over time if it is not treated.

Some experienced dentists offer treatment for gum recession. This can include gum grafts and deep cleaning procedures. To know more about receding gums and the appropriate treatments, hit the link and head to Smile Cliniq. They have a blog post that is going to be helpful.

Ways to Prevent Gum Recession

Know that there are several things you can do to prevent gum recession, as well as the condition getting bad again after surgery. Here are some ways to prevent receding gums safely.

Have a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

Often, people damage their own gums due to the tools they are using. You want to make sure that you have a soft-bristled toothbrush. This is going to prevent unnecessary damage to the gums, which might be contributing to recession. Indeed, the bristles will be softer, which means they will cause less damage to the tissue.

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Be Gentle When Brushing

If you are in a hurry or you are stressed, it is easy to take it out on your teeth. In particular, people can brush too hard, and this can damage the gums. This is a contributing factor to gum recession. So, make sure you are consciously and gently brushing your teeth. Again, this is about protecting the gums.

Floss Every Day

Make sure you honestly answer this question. How often do you floss? This is often a step that people skip. But, it is very important in order to prevent plaque from building up between your teeth. When you have tartar build-up and plaque, this is something that can increase the risk of gum recession. So make sure you are flossing once a day.

Stop Smoking

There are many reasons why you want to give up smoking. Your health is important and kicking this habit to the curb is going to lower the risk of disease. But, one thing you must consider is that this habit can ruin your oral health. Yes, it can make your teeth yellow, which can ruin your confidence. But, it can also mean that you are at a higher risk of gum recession. So, if you want to prevent this condition, it is time to give up smoking and think about your overall health. It can be difficult at first, but everyone is glad when they stop smoking.

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See Your Dentist Regularly 

You want to make sure you are arranging dental appointments on a regular basis for your general health. This is going to make sure any problems are spotted by your dentist early. You can get the treatment you need before things get worse. In addition, you can get plaque removed which might decrease your risk of gum recession in the future.