Why You Should Store CAD and PDM Data in the Cloud

Cloud Technology

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Traditional PDM servers have been the industry standard for storing product data and managing the development process. However, with the emergence of cloud technology, many companies are now opting for cloud-based PDM solutions instead. Let’s discuss why cloud-based CAD and PDM are beneficial and how they can help your business.

The Biggest Concerns With Traditional PDM Servers

1. Expense: Traditional PDM servers require substantial upfront costs for hardware, software and IT maintenance. Additionally, the cost of scaling your system as your business grows is often prohibitively expensive.

2. Maintenance: Traditional PDM servers are complex pieces of software that require regular maintenance, including patching and updates. This can be time-consuming and costly.

3. Scalability: Many traditional servers are limited in terms of scalability, making it difficult to add new users or expand the system to accommodate more data.

Advanced Version Control

One of the biggest problems for engineering teams

is keeping track of multiple versions of CAD files. With a cloud-based PDM solution, users can store multiple file versions and access them from anywhere. This ensures accuracy and traceability throughout the product development process.

More Precise Access Control

The cloud provides more control over who has access to certain files and data. Users can set specific permissions for each file and folder, allowing only certain people to view and edit certain information. This ensures that the right people have access to the right data.

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You can even change the file permissions for specific files within a folder or workspace so the teams that need access can have it without compromising file safety.

Secure Files

Cloud-based PDM solutions are more secure than traditional servers. With cloud-based solutions, all data is stored in a secure environment with multiple layers of encryption. This provides an additional layer of security to ensure your data is safe and secure.

Data and IP is Protected

When using a cloud-based PDM solution, all data and intellectual property (IP) is securely stored in the cloud. This provides an additional layer of protection for your data and IP, ensuring that it is safe from theft or misuse.

Remote Control and Management for 3D Printers

Cloud-based PDM solutions can also be used to control and manage 3D printers remotely. This allows users to monitor the status of a 3D print job from anywhere in the world, making it easier to manage multiple 3D printing projects at once.

Enterprise-Level Data Encryption

Cloud-based PDM solutions use enterprise-level data encryption to ensure that all data is secure at all times. Having your data encrypted ensures that it can’t be read or accessed by anyone without the proper authorization.

Start Benefiting From Cloud-Based CAD and PDM Today and Get in Touch With a Provider

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The benefits are too good to ignore, with cloud-based PDM solutions providing better security, more precise access control, advanced version control, and remote control and management of 3D printers. If you’re looking to start benefiting from cloud-based CAD and PDM, get in touch with a provider today.