Choosing The Right Boom Gates For Your Specific Security Needs


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Boom gates are an essential security measure for any business or facility that requires controlled access. These automated barriers provide a physical obstacle to anyone trying to enter your property without permission. Choosing the right boom gate is critical to ensuring the security and safety of your property. This article explores the different types of boom gates and what you should consider when choosing the right ones for your security needs.

Types Of Boom Gates

Before diving into the factors you should consider when choosing boom gates, let’s first discuss the different types available.

  • Barrier Gates: These are the most common type of boom gates and come in various sizes and styles. Barrier gates are typically used in parking lots or other areas where traffic needs to be controlled.
  • Automatic Boom Gates: These are similar to barrier gates but have an automatic opening and closing mechanism. They are often used in high-security areas such as government facilities, airports, or military bases.
  • High-Speed Boom Gates: These are designed to open and close quickly, making them ideal for areas with high traffic volumes, such as toll booths or loading docks.
  • Crash-Rated Boom Gates: These are heavy-duty boom gates designed to withstand a vehicle collision’s impact. They are often used in areas where security is paramount, such as government buildings, military installations, or nuclear power plants.
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Factors To Consider When Choosing Boom Gates

Now that we’ve discussed the different types of boom gates let’s look at the factors you should consider when choosing the right ones for your security needs.

  • Security Requirements: The first factor to consider is your security requirements. What level of security do you need? Do you need to control access to a sensitive area, or do you need to prevent unauthorized vehicles from entering your property? The answer to these questions will help you determine the type of boom gates you need. 
  • Traffic Volume: The next factor to consider is traffic volume. If you have a high traffic volume, you’ll need boom gates that can open and close quickly to prevent congestion. If you have low traffic volume, you may not need high-speed boom gates.
  • Physical Space: The physical space available on your property is also crucial when choosing boom gates. You’ll need to choose boom gates that fit the available space and can operate effectively.
  • Control Mechanism: The control mechanism for your boom gates is another essential factor to consider. Do you want a remote control, keypad, or RFID card reader? Each control mechanism has advantages and disadvantages, so you must choose the one that best suits your needs. An access control system Brisbane can be integrated into your boom gates, allowing you to track and monitor the movement of authorized personnel and vehicles on your property.
  • Durability: Boom gates are designed to withstand the elements and the wear and tear of everyday use. However, some boom gates are more durable than others. If you live in area with harsh weather conditions, you’ll need boom gates that are built to withstand those conditions.
  • Maintenance: Finally, you’ll need to consider the maintenance requirements of your boom gates. Some boom gates require more maintenance, so choose one that fits your maintenance budget and schedule.
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In conclusion, choosing the right boom gates for your specific security needs is crucial to ensuring the safety and security of your property. When choosing boom gates, you’ll need to consider factors such as security requirements, traffic volume, physical space, control mechanism, durability, and maintenance requirements. Doing so lets you select the right boom gates for your specific security needs and ensure your property remains secure and protected. If you need help selecting and installing boom gates, don’t hesitate to consult access control specialists who can help guide you through the process.