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Social media has taken over our lives in a major way. We communicate with our friends, family, peers, and others through it. We shop on social media. We keep ourselves up to date with the latest trends and happenings. It has become completely ubiquitous in our lives. Every day more and more people join these social media channels to either observe others or to let their voices be heard, and the social media industry is expanding at an exponential rate. 

As the reach of social media increases, so does the dependency of business on social media. With millions of consumers using one or the other social media platform, a business must use that channel to increase its reach and visibility and to attract more customers towards itself. If a business wants to thrive in today’s market, it has to leverage the power of social media.

This is not something that you can tag as a trend. The power of social media has made itself known across the globe, in every industry imaginable, and it is here to stay. More and more people are interacting with their favorite brands, and brands are fast reaching global recognition thanks to the lifting of the geographical restrictions that were present before the phenomena of social media. 

One of the best advantages that social media offers any business is that it is not restricted to any one type of business or industry. Almost every industry possible can harness the power of social media to increase its ROI, visibility, and reach. Whether you are promoting a clothing line, accessories, or computer software and tools like transcription software, CRM, project management tools, or anything in between, you will find your target audience on one or more social media platforms. 

Here are some of the reasons why letting your presence be known on social media channels is imperative for your brand.

What do the Stats Say

Don’t want to take our word for it? Here are some of the recent statistics that will prove to you without the hint of a doubt that your business must pay special attention to social media. 

  • According to the statistics gathered in 2019, more than 42% of the total population is present on various social media channels. 
  • If we talk about the United States of America, we see that more than 68% of adults have a Facebook account. 
  • If we talk about various generations, we see that we have more than 90% millennials on social media platforms. In comparison, baby boomers are around 48%, and 77% of Gen-X are present on social media.
  • Research has shown that an average social media user spends around 2 ½ hours of their time on social media every day. 
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These and more statistics like these are more than enough to tell anyone about the importance of having a tremendous social media strategy for your brand.

That is why we have compiled a list of reasons why you should invest in social media marketing.

Leverage Social Media Marketing

Gone are the days when you had to pay exorbitant prices to have your ads displayed on the television or other traditional marketing strategies. Even though social media advertising is young, it has grown exponentially since its inception and is not showing any signs of going out of style. Let’s take Facebook ads as an example. Facebook started showing ads in 2005, and since then, they have managed to rake up a cool $70,697 billion in just the previous year. This shows you how far social media advertising has come and how far it will go.

Some of the benefits that you get from social media advertising that you didn’t have with traditional media are:

Lower ad costs

If you compare the costs of advertising on social media with the costs of traditional media like radio and TV advertising, you will find out that there is a huge gap in the costs. Social media advertising is way cheaper than traditional media advertising, and that gives small businesses and startups a huge edge. They can now compete in the same market as the giants of the industry and have a chance at becoming a brand and having their names and logos recognized. Another benefit is that you can grow your marketing strategy in your own time and at your own pace. In the beginning, you can even engage your audience on various platforms for free before investing your money in advertising. 

Targeted Audience

Another huge advantage that social media healthcare marketing has over traditional marketing is that you have the power of reaching out to your target audience like never before. Traditional media channels were good for general marketing, but they were never able to give you the kind of exact and specific results that social media platforms can give you. Instead of taking a blind shot and trusting your assumptions, you can base your marketing strategy on hard facts and data so that you can reach your targeted prospects and increase your rate of conversions. This ensures that your revenue stream sees a steady rise. You also don’t have to waste money on advertising that may or may not work. 

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Real-time analysis

There is a famous phrase that half of the marketing works; we just don’t know which half. Well, you can bid farewell to these strategies, where you would have to rely on guesswork and assumptions. With the advent of social media, now you have powerful analytical tools that you can use to find out which of your ads work and which of them don’t. You can compare different ads to find out which one of them works best. You can find out various things about your customers like which product they are interacting with more, which age group or gender is more interested in your products, and a million other things. You can keep track of your marketing strategies and campaigns and find out the results that they are providing in real-time. If you see something that isn’t working, you can immediately change it or remove it to get instant results.

Boost Brand Awareness

When it comes to branding strategies, social media provides you with various ways that you can boost your brand recognition among customers and ensure that your brand becomes a household name. Sadly, a lot of businesses do not focus on social media as a brand awareness tool and thus give the competitors a chance of taking over and moving forward. The businesses that do use social media to increase brand awareness get immediate and long-lasting results.

Find Your Audience

One of the reasons why you must use social media platforms for your brand awareness campaigns is because there is no other platform where you can find out and zero in on your target audience with such high efficiency. Before you start implementing your social media marketing campaigns, you can find out about your customers and where they interact more, which social media platform they are more comfortable with. This will allow you to design your campaigns accordingly.

Use Multiple Types of Content

One of the best reasons why you must use social media platforms to your advantage is that you are not restricted in the choice of content that you want to share with your audience. With traditional media, you would only have a limited number of options, but with social media, the world is your oyster, and you can do whatever you want with it. You can grab their attention with a carefully crafted video, increase their curiosity with an infographic, or get them interested in a creatively written blog. You can share images and audio and so much more. This way your customers can choose to interact with the type of content they are more comfortable with.

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Create Conversations

You can use social media marketing to not only promote your brand but to interact directly with the consumers and have a meaningful dialogue with them. This is, by far, one of the best reasons for using social media channels. With traditional media, you were only allowed to talk. Still, with social media, you can listen to your customers and give them feedback that is relevant and relatable so that their trust in your brand increases, and so does their loyalty. 

Build Authority

With the power of social media marketing by your side, you can easily build your brand as an authority in your respective industry and let people know about it. You can share valuable and informative content that your target audience is looking for, and they want to interact with. The more trust people have in your brand, the more they will want to interact with it, and the more they will influence their family and friends in choosing you over other competitors. 

Increase Inbound Traffic

With the power of sharing multiple types of content, you can find out various ways to generate traffic and send it to your website. When you share relatable material, it will make the customers curious, and they will follow your CTA to your website and increase your chances of conversion. Without social media, you will always be restricted to a certain circle of customers that will take a lot of time to grow. For example, you can ensure that your blog is always active and has continuous posts about interesting topics that are related to your field or business so that the customers will want to keep themselves up to date with it and keep coming back for more.


The points discussed above prove it without a doubt just how important social media marketing is for every business that exists. If you do it right, you will get to see immediate, organic, and long term results that will give your brand the boost that it deserves.