Champion Preferences of League of Legends Boosters: A Breakdown


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I’ve spent much of my life immersed in the gaming world, but nothing has captivated my interest quite like the interesting community of League of Legends (LoL) boosters. After hours of searching through innumerable matches, interviews, and forum postings, I can confidently claim that I’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge on the subject that I’m happy to share with you today.

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty and unpack which champions boosters prefer, and why these choices make a significant impact on the outcome of a match.

Diving into the Top Picks

When it comes to LoL boosters, there’s a very distinct set of champions they tend to favor. Master Yi, Katarina, and Zed sit at the top of the list.

Master Yi: A classic selection, Master Yi, is a high-speed jungler. He has the power to carry games single-handedly thanks to his impressive wave-clearing ability and destructive damage output. This champion’s Alpha Strike ability makes him elusive, while his Meditate skill provides durability. I’ve seen games where a well-played Master Yi could decimate an entire team by himself. The boosters love him for his potential to turn games around, no matter how bleak they seem.

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Katarina: Next on the list is Katarina, a burst assassin whose damage output is off the charts. She can single-handedly obliterate enemies in the blink of an eye, especially if they clump together. Her resetting passive ability, Voracity, lets her clean up team fights and snowball, making her a favorite among boosters looking to carry matches.

Zed: Finally, we have Zed, a formidable mid-lane assassin. His potent combination of high damage, mobility, and outplay potential make him a lethal force on the Rift. Zed’s ultimate, Death Mark, allows him to eliminate key targets while surviving team fights, a skill that boosters leverage to lead their team to victory.

How do Boosters Usually Carry Games?

With their ability to pilot practically any champions, elo boost league boosters frequently ignore the established meta, focusing instead on maximizing their champion’s potential. Rather than depending on popular meta selections, they establish a deep understanding of their selected champions’ specific attributes, match-ups, and optimum playstyles.

The booster’s core strategy revolves around leveraging the champion’s strengths to dominate games, regardless of the meta. Whether through split-pushing, securing objectives, or outplaying in team fights, elo boost boosters proficiently utilize their champions to carry games, showcasing the potency of personal expertise over general trends.

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What About Their Picks Doesn’t Add Up?

The first question that comes to mind is, why do these boosters lean towards assassins and junglers? Shouldn’t they be selecting champions from all roles?

It’s simple: command. Boosters have more control over the game’s result by playing assassins or junglers. Assassins have the ability to instantly eliminate crucial opponents, potentially altering the outcome of team fights. Junglers, on the other hand, set the pace of the game, control objectives, and frequently have the most significant impact on other lanes.

This strategy allows boosters to maximize their influence on the match, pushing the odds in their favor.

Does Meta Matter to Boosters?

Many League of Legends players adhere religiously to the meta, but does the meta impact a booster’s champion preference? It seems like boosters aren’t much bothered by it. Their champion selections are guided primarily by the potential to carry games, rather than what’s currently in vogue.

Concluding Thoughts

The boosters’ choices may seem straightforward to veteran LoL players, but they highlight a critical aspect of the game that all players can learn from: understanding your champion’s impact. By choosing champions that can significantly influence a game’s outcome, boosters aren’t just playing to win – they’re playing to dominate.

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