Heatmaps: A Conversion Optimization Tool


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Heatmap is an all-pervasive website optimization tool that gives you a clear picture of your website visitors’ actions. Read this blog to know more about how to attain more conversions through heatmaps.

Conversion rate optimization is a hard-hitting task. Creating a website might be an easy task for a marketer, but earning higher rankings for your websites by attaining conversions is a complicated task. There are no hard and fast rules for achieving a conversion. You cannot own a rulebook and chant the universal formula to maximize them. If there had been such a formula, it would be so easy to catch and fetch more visitors and turn them into customers.

Thanks to the web analytical tool, which still makes the task much simpler: Heatmap is one such tool. They have an eagle sighted view of looking at how your visitors are interacting with your web page elements. The colorful and graphical representation of the data makes it much easier for marketers to look at the users’ insights.

What Are Heatmaps Useful For?

Heatmaps hold a keen eye and a microscopic view on how your customers interact with your website elements. A website without analytics is of no use. You cannot upgrade yourself unless you know how good you are performing in the customer’s eyes.

Heatmaps let you analyze all those insights that your customers put their eyes upon:

  • The first impression of your website: When your visitors browse through the sites, they do not have much time to go through the whole website all at once. The first element they look at on the website marks their first impression.
  • What visitors ignore: Heatmaps help you look at the website elements that people usually ignore or don’t look at. You can reposition the elements like placing the banner ads and CTAs in the right position, which doesn’t dissuade the visitors.
  • Key metrics to analyze your faults: Thanks to the heatmaps, they help you provide the right information about the users’ clicks and hovers. You can quickly look at the highly clicked and neglected areas of the website.

Gather the psychological triggers of the users through heatmaps :

Usually, the vision behaviors of the users are pretty much related to their unconscious or subconscious behavior. That’s how there are lots of websites, and the conversions for all of them vary.

  • We all usually have the same subconscious tendencies.
  • Also, your visitors themselves are not aware of them until heatmaps bring them up to the surface.
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Note: If you can trigger the visitors’ subconscious behaviors, you can easily influence their conscious mind and attain maximum conversions.

Which heatmap is suitable for you?

Heatmaps are of different types: Click heatmaps, scroll heatmaps, Mouse tracking heatmaps, and eye-tracking heatmaps. It depends upon your goals and targets, which one do you need?

  • Eye-tracking heatmaps

Have you ever thought about designing a website that appeals to your visitors at first sight? Worry not. Eye-tracking heatmaps enable you to know the eye movements of your visitors. It is equivalent to the mouse movements of the users as well. They help you check out and evaluate what appeals to the sight of the visitors. Usually, you can know through them how to place the CTA button so that it catches the user’s attention at first glance.

  • Click tracking heatmaps

You can analyze every click on the elements of your websites. It could be a click on the button, a link, or an image. You can sort out the elements where people click the most. It is not evitable that your users will only click at the CTA button. It could be an image or a text also. You can reposition these elements with their help, and you will be good to go!

  • Scroll heatmaps: They let you know what part of the website they spend most of their time. At which part of the site, they are stucking. These heatmaps help you identify which sections are engaging and where visitors feel stuck in a loop.

How Can You Use Heatmaps in Marketing?

Heatmap tools allow you to earn billions of dollars overnight. It is not just a thought but a reality. Your marketing team needs this tool to analyze which aspects of your website are working and which need optimization. Let’s see how your marketing team can use click maps and optimize the unoptimized parts :

  • CTA button: CTA button is the most crucial element of your landing pages. It is quite challenging to convince users to click on it. Are you getting the expected or desired results from the audience the way you want it? If not, make the red areas of the website clickable and re-design them as such that they do not appear like a look.
  •  Background image: When a visitor browses through your website, it is not only the CTA button people look at but also background images that induce them to click on the CTA button. It is the human tendency to watch with the eyes, direct it with the fingers, and buy what appeals to them. The same phenomena happen in the case of advertising. To optimize your website more, you can optimize the elements with AB testing.
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What All Can You Learn Through Heatmaps and Attain Conversions from SEO Perspectives :

Heatmaps are a useful marketing automation software which simplifies your work in analyzing the user’s activities on your website. You can also look at their perceptions and undo your marketing campaigns to increase productivity. Let us see how you can attain conversions through this tool.

  1. Place your content at the top: Content is the king of marketing; without it, your strategies are incomplete. Remember that your content should be SEO optimized, then only you will gain the results of the actual conversion.

It is quite evident, even if you look at the results that visitors often see and grasp the information at the top. While going down, they lose interest in the content. That’s why it is essential to reflect the relevant information above. Sometimes, people only read what is written on the top and at the end of the page. It shows the visitors’ deeper psychology, which implies two different effects: the primary effect and the recency effect. 

Visitors usually remember what they have read on the top and partially remember the top-most content as it stays in their short-term memory. Therefore place relevant content above the fold so that the visitors don’t feel the need to scroll through. You can also put the text such as “Continue reading” and “Learn more” to let them know they have to scroll down. Put your CTA button at the end to attain more conversions as people tend to focus more on the top and end of the page.

2. Consider the F-pattern: Users tend to take the webpages in the f-pattern. 

  • They start reading from the top and then follow the f-pattern. That means, visitors begin reading the content horizontally, they scan down to the left-hand side of the content, forming the F-pattern.
  • Users never read the text word-to-word. Therefore, it’s your responsibility to place the relevant content in the above two paragraphs and as they read horizontally. Make sure you place the powerful keywords in those sections.
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3. Don’t use animated headers:

The headers on the web pages are much in trend, and they usually pick up the user’s attention quickly, but what is wrong is the way you put it across the visitors. On the top of that, if they are animated, it will annoy the users. You might be using them as banners, but they will appear as “moving ads” to the users.

Also, they are animated. Therefore, visitors won’t be able to look at their content. Therefore avoid using it to avoid lesser conversions.

4. Keep your newsletters short: 

If you put the banner on your website containing the newsletter, there would be fewer chances for people to read them if it’s too long and descriptive. Many heatmap analytics reports show that if you keep the text lengthy and expressive, the users will not show interest in it.

5. Focus on the images to catch immediate attention

The images can leave a feel-good and not so good impression on people’s psychology. Heatmap analytics allow you to look at all the pictures which are marking a good impact on the people and which are not that appealing to the people’s minds. Usually, people appeal to the most attractive looking product on the website which appears different from the others.

6. Avoid content into your ads

Advertising is the best way to put your thoughts forward in front of the audience. But nowadays people hardly look at them. It is proved and evident through the studies that people ignore such areas, and banner ads you displace on the website look like the conventional ads with a lot of content. Therefore, people avoid them outrightly. Also, remember that these ignored areas should not contain the CTAs and other vital elements.

7. Provide visuals along with the content: This psychology is deeply integrated into the visitor’s mind, which can be gender-based. Men usually focus on the images rather than the content, and women give priority to the content. Therefore to keep a balance between the elements, Work on the visuals and the content.

These were the seven roadmaps that help you attain conversions through heatmaps. Heatmaps are the essential tools to keep upgrading your websites and alleviating your success in the right directions.


About Author:

Tanmayi is a creative content writer at NotifyVisitors. She believes in the saying, “ Writing is not just putting out facts, it is the catharsis of emotions”. She blends imagination with logical facts and pours it out in words. Writing has many facets, she lives every bit of it.