SAST vs. DAST for Security Testing – How do they differ?


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In the ever-evolving realm of cybersecurity, especially with the increasing demand for application penetration testing services, two prominent testing methodologies have emerged – Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST). These techniques, each possessing its unique strengths, provide invaluable insights into potential vulnerabilities within software applications. Beyond traditional vulnerability assessments, services like application penetration testing have underscored the importance of thorough security evaluations in today’s digital landscape. This article delves deep into the intricacies of both SAST and DAST, highlighting their respective benefits, and limitations, and offering guidance on when to deploy each technique.


What is SAST? 

Static Application Security Testing, commonly referred to as “white-box testing” or “static testing,” analyzes source code, bytecode, or application binaries without executing them. Through this detailed analysis, SAST determines vulnerabilities that can be addressed during the application development phase itself, streamlining the software development process.

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Benefits of SAST

  • Early Detection: Recognizes potential security threats in the initial development stages, saving time and reducing costs.
  • Comprehensive Analysis: Evaluates the entirety of the application codebase, ensuring thorough scrutiny.
  • Integration-friendly: Can be easily incorporated into the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Limitations of SAST

  • False Positives: May sometimes identify non-existent vulnerabilities.
  • Limited to Code-Level Vulnerabilities: Can’t identify runtime or environment-specific vulnerabilities.


What is DAST? 

Dynamic Application Security Testing, often termed “black-box testing”, is carried out when an application is running. It scrutinizes the application in its operational environment, identifying vulnerabilities evident during the application’s active phase.

DAST identifies threats visible only when the application operates, providing an edge in real-world attack simulation. It tests the application without needing access to its foundational code, a stark contrast to SAST. But, DAST identifies vulnerabilities at a later stage, which might lead to increased mitigation costs.

Benefits of DAST

  • Runtime Vulnerability Detection: Identifies threats that are visible only when the application is in operation.
  • No Code Access Required: Tests the application in its execution environment without needing access to its underlying code.
  • Real-world Attack Simulation: Mimics genuine attack patterns, offering insights into potential real-world breaches.

Limitations of DAST

  • Later-stage Identification: Discovers vulnerabilities post-development, which may lead to higher rectification costs.
  • Can’t Detect Code-level Vulnerabilities: Focuses primarily on operational and runtime vulnerabilities.

What is the difference between SAST and DAST?

Testing Phase and Methodology 

SAST involves examining applications during the developmental phase by accessing its codebase. DAST, conversely, tests them during their runtime, often in staging or production environments.

Depth of Analysis 

SAST provides a profound understanding of an application’s code, unveiling details about its architecture and data flow. DAST, however, focuses on the application’s external behavior without delving into the underlying code.

Vulnerability Detection Capabilities 

SAST excels in pinpointing code-level vulnerabilities and potential logic weaknesses in the application. DAST, meanwhile, brings to light runtime vulnerabilities, such as authentication flaws and session management issues.

When to Use a SAST Mechanism? 

SAST, or Static Application Security Testing, is an essential tool in the software development process, offering numerous advantages. It enables developers to spot vulnerabilities right from the initial coding stages, ensuring a proactive approach to security. This is especially useful during code reviews, enhancing security assurance and making sure the code aligns with best practices. SAST dives deep, evaluating the entire codebase for a complete analysis. It operates without affecting runtime performance, analyzing the source, byte, or binary code without the need for execution. This is crucial in environments sensitive to performance metrics. Compliance in many sectors necessitates static code analysis, and SAST ensures software aligns with these benchmarks. Furthermore, in a DevOps-driven development world, SAST integrates effortlessly into continuous integration and delivery pipelines. Overall, SAST is a cornerstone for developers committed to crafting secure applications from inception.

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When to Use a DAST Mechanism? 

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) identifies vulnerabilities in active applications from an outsider’s perspective. It’s invaluable for assessing applications in real-time environments, especially after deployment, to catch any residual vulnerabilities. DAST evaluates issues that only appear during runtime, like authentication flaws. Since it doesn’t need the source code, it’s ideal for evaluating third-party apps or when the codebase is unavailable. Additionally, DAST helps gauge the efficiency of real-time defenses, like intrusion detection systems. Overall, DAST offers a critical viewpoint for understanding and defending against real-world external threats.

In the battle of SAST vs. DAST, there’s no one-size-fits-all winner. The choice between these testing methodologies hinges on the specific needs and stages of your application development. By understanding their distinct advantages and incorporating them effectively, organizations can fortify their applications against an ever-increasing array of cyber threats. For a thorough assessment, consider partnering with a reputed penetration testing company that offers application penetration testing services for both SAST and DAST.