How to Install an Online Consultant on a Website?

Web Design & Development

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Online chat on a website is a way to communicate with visitors instantly. This is how the company may interact with clients and respond to their inquiries promptly. The site’s chat service implies faster customer decision-making because an expert immediately guides them. 

When you engage customers in chat, you can see how they react to your product and/or service. You can either customize the product according to the customers’ needs or even when they want it. However, these forms of interaction with the consumers might not yield anything that would profit the organizations considerably; nevertheless, it remains an excellent strategy for the businesses.

However, if you ask how to install and create this tool into your website, there is no better way than to turn to the DigitalSuits development company in USA to make this integration easy and correct for you.

Why Do You Need an Online Chat on the Website?

According to independent studies, 25% of companies have already implemented online chats on their website, and 60% plan to do so. This feature has a 30% boost in visitor satisfaction and positively impacts business performance. 

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What is so good about an online consultant?

  • Convenience for users – There is no need to search for contacts or wait for an email response. The online consultant will explain everything right away.
  • Efficiency for the business – Chat could raise revenue by enhancing client support.
  • Personal approach – Online chat creates a friendly and trusting relationship with the visitor.
  • Save time. Instant communication reduces time spent solving problems.
  • Multifunctionality – Modern chats can include video calls, file sharing, and even integration with CRM systems.

In general, online chat promotes user experience and gives a website a more dynamic feel by engaging users in active conversation.

How to Connect Online Chat to the Site?

Before integrating chat into your site, consider how to connect it. Different options suit different types of sites and requirements. Here, we will discuss the main ways to add online chat to a website and their characteristics.

Embed code (Widget)

This is the most common method. Chat service providers provide the code that you paste into your website. Typically, the code is placed before the closing </body> tag, which allows the chat widget to appear on all site pages.

Plugins and modules

For popular content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, there are specialized plugins or modules for chat integration. They usually provide easier installation and configuration.

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API integration

A more complex but flexible method. The API allows you to create a tighter chat integration with your site or application, allowing data exchange between systems.

Third-Party Platforms

Some platforms, such as DigitalSuits, offer integrated solutions for adding live chat to your website through their app store or tools.

Standard application

Some services provide standard applications that can be installed on the server and integrated with your website. This installation method may require programming skills.

Let’s Conclude

Which connection method you choose depends on the site, available resources, technical skills, and specific chat functionality requirements.

We hope this article helped you understand why it is recommended to integrate an online consultant chatbot into your website by yourself or with the help of professionals and how to do it properly.