How to increase email deliverability and interaction: Five important steps

Tips & Tricks

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In the digital age, email marketing remains a vital part of customer-business communications. In the face of an overwhelming number of promotional emails that land in inboxes of recipients, it’s becoming more difficult to make sure your email reaches and engages them. Deliverability is one of the key KPIs in email marketing. This refers to the emails’ ability to get to subscribers inboxes. You can use these five measures to increase interaction, and to check email deliverability.

How to Create an Email List that is Reputable

The Value of an Email List with a Good Reputation

Your email list is the foundation for your email marketing efforts. To build a high-quality email list, you must first collect the email addresses of people who explicitly stated they wanted to hear from you. If you invest in unreliable email lists, or collect addresses in an unethical way, it could result in increased bounce rates, complaints about spam, and damage to the sender’s reputation.

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How to create an email list using the best methods

Double opt-in is a good idea: after registering subscribers must confirm their subscription. It ensures your messages are received only by people who are truly interested.

Offer worthwhile rewards:Offer incentives to encourage signups. Discounts, freebies or exclusive content are all good options.

Keep your email list clean: Remove invalid or dormant addresses in order to improve the integrity of your list and delivery.

Use Segmentation, Personalization and Targeting

Personalization is the key to engagement

Most emails that cater to the individual preferences and behaviors of each recipient perform better than generic ones. Use customization features like recipient name, previous purchases or browsing history to make emails more relevant and engaging.

Partitioning to Tailored Communication

Segmenting your email list by factors such as interests, purchasing history or demographics allows you to customize the content of your emails for specific target segments. By providing targeted content for smaller groups, you can increase open rates, click through, and engagement.

3. Create appealing email content and optimize your Email Content Design

Content is key to engagement and delivery. Poorly written content, that’s irrelevant or too promotional, can cause spam filters or recipients to unsubscribe. Focus on building relationships with your readers, solving problems, and providing value in your emails.

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Create Accessible and Responsive Design

Be sure that your emails load quickly on mobile devices, and are accessible for individuals with disabilities. For a seamless and consistent experience, make sure your emails are designed for different devices and sizes of screens. Use clear, concise language and eye-catching graphics to grab readers’ attention.

Senders can be tracked and their reputation enhanced.

Recognition of the reputation of senders

The reputation of your email domain will be reflected by the trustworthiness that mailbox and service providers have in it. A good reputation will increase the chances of emails reaching recipients inboxes. Emails with a poor reputation could be blocked, or even filtered to spam.

How to improve your sender reputation

  • Authenticate your domain: Use authentication standards such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC to safeguard against spoofing or phishing.
  • Monitoring engagement: Metrics is important to determine what’s working and what doesn’t in email marketing campaigns.
  • Clean up your email list: Regularly remove inactive or uninterested subscribers to avoid sending out emails to addresses that are no longer valid or active.

Test and Retest

Tests are important to optimize your campaigns and get the best results, it is essential to test them constantly. Test different sender names and subject lines. Also, test various send times, content formats, and send timings.

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Make Use of A/B testing

Split-testing, also known as A/B testing compares the performance of two different versions of an email that are sent to different subsets within your target audience. To increase engagement and convert more people, try different email designs, subject lines, or call-to action buttons.


To increase the deliverability of emails and maximize engagement, you need a multi-dimensional strategy, which includes list expansion, personalization and content optimization. You also require continual testing, improvement and management of sender reputation. Implementing the measures that are discussed in this article will help you improve your email campaigns, and create stronger relationships with your customers. Remember that email marketing does not fit all, and you need to constantly monitor performance indicators in order for your campaigns to be successful.