4 SharePoint Best Practices for Better Project Management


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Did you know that over 190 million people around the world use SharePoint? This can definitely be a useful tool if you truly understand it and know how to use it to the best of its ability. 

While adhering to SharePoint best practices is crucial for effective project management, it can be challenging to identify and implement these practices without expert guidance. This is where seeking the assistance of experienced SharePoint consultants can be incredibly beneficial. SharePoint consulting services by EPC Group offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise, helping organisations optimise their SharePoint environments to improve collaboration, communication, and overall project management. By leveraging their experience, you can get tailored solutions to meet your organisation’s unique needs and requirements.

Keep reading for the top Sharepoint best practices that you want to keep in mind to ensure that your project on SharePoint is successful. 

1. Hierarchy

Setting up an organized project structure in your SharePoint environment will help you keep everything in order. For example, you can make sure that your hierarchy is broken down into departments, subprograms, and individual projects. This will make it easier when everyone on your team is looking in SharePoint. 

You can opt for SharePoint consulting if you ever need help getting more organized within your organization. 

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2. Program-Level Dashboards

You can use specific department dashboards for projects that are related to each other. You can put an overall status at the top level and then give the ability to drill down into a particular project or a particular department. 

For example, you can give a timeline for the program overall, and then employees can drill down to see the overall status to see where exactly the project is. This is a great way to see if something is on track to be finished on time or not. 

3. Management Lists 

A great way to easily manage tasks is via work management lists and with dashboards. Every SharePoint team site comes with a Project Tasks list that you can use to create the project schedule and then manage the project plan this way. 

When the project is planned and you have assigned all the responsibilities you can create a series of work reports in order to track the tasks and the work that is associated with the project at hand. 

4. Staus Reports

Creating project status reports can easily be done when you are using a list workflow within SharePoint. Enter the info for the project in a datasheet view. Then the workflow will turn the information that you enter into a project status. 

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Whenever you do not edit the list then the datasheet will transform into a project status report with an R-A-G status along with other data such as health, cost, time, percent, and comments. 

Keep a history of these reports in order to reflect the status of the project at any given point in time. 

Ready to Apply These SharePoint Best Practices?

Now that you have our top SharePoint best practices you can start applying everything above as soon as possible to help you and your team get on the road to success. With just a few simple configurations to your SharePoint environment, you will be able to notice a difference with everyone collaborating. 

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