8 Tips to Keep Your Mac Safe from Malware

Cyber SecurityTips & Tricks

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Even those people who own a Mac computer or a laptop have to know their devices are not fully protected from viruses, including malware. In some ways, Macs are safer compared to other devices but they do not guarantee full protection. In this article, we will give you some useful tips on keeping your computer safe from malware.

First of all, let’s understand what malware is and how it gets on your Mac. It’s software designed by cybercriminals to damage, disrupt, or gain access to the computer system. Many users still may think their Mac cannot be infected by malware but this is a myth. Nowadays, hackers develop new programs and Macs are no exception for them. Malware can infect the device and steal data. Keep reading to know the main ways of recognizing malware and tips to protect your computer from infections.  

These are the main types of malware:

  • Worms. These viruses appear on your device with a downloaded file or application. It can cause data loss and make problems with your computer.
  • Ransomware. This is a form of malware that encrypts your files and blocks access to data until you pay a ransom.
  • Trojans. These are disguised programs that hide inside other apps and act when they appear on your Mac. It can block, modify, or delete data on your computer.
  • Spyware. This software is used by hackers to steal personal or financial data. It steals passwords and other personal information from your computer.
  • Adware. This malware collects your information on the Mac and can cause problems with your device, especially if it contains trojans and spyware.   
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Here are tips to keep your device safe:

  1. Update your computer regularly. Remember that ignoring updates only increases your chances to get infected by malware. Set all the offered updates on time to protect your Mac.
  2. Don’t use weak passwords. Every password has personal information, so you shouldn’t use the same password twice. We suggest installing an app to generate strong passwords and use them just when you need them. 
  3. Secure your home network and don’t connect your device to public Wi-Fi networks. When you connect to an unknown Wi-Fi, hackers can get access to your computer easily.
  4. Download only legitimate programs. Don’t use any suspicious sites to download new apps because you can get malware along with these programs. Downloading applications from official sites will solve this problem.
  5. Enable your SIP. This is a system that prevents changing your Mac’s operating system. It’s simple to protect your device from malware using system integrity protection.
  6. Get a good antivirus app. A reliable program can protect your Mac from malware and other viruses without problems. Just set all the updates regularly and scan your computer for viruses. 
  7. Be careful with surfing the Internet. Just remember to avoid suspicious links and unknown sites to prevent infections. With simple rules, you can protect your device from hackers’ attacks.
  8. Make backups of your files regularly. To avoid losing any important data, we suggest making backups of your operating system from time to time. Even if something happens, you can easily renew your files from backup.
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We hope that our tips were useful to protect your device. If you’re interested in hints about Mac cleaning, read this list of apps for cleaning and speeding up your computer without wasting your precious time.