Why Is Penetration Testing Vital in This Digital World?

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The security system that is protecting your organisation today may not be as strong, several weeks from now. As the configurations of computer systems change, the same goes with the threats waiting for their attacks. Once a hacker gains access to your IT infrastructure, he/she can take complete control of the entire system. For this, penetration testing is a critical solution for your business. The pen test experts will learn about your system’s vulnerabilities, locate weak spots, and strengthen your firewall, among other things.  

The following are good reasons that your business should conduct a penetration test:

Minimises System Downtime

Having a pen test at least twice a year can guarantee that your company recovers from a system downtime more quickly. The continuity of your business becomes manageable, which is essential, considering that the cost of downtime can be expensive. 

While no company is immune to the impact of IT downtime, you can handle them by utilising the services provided by pen test specialists who can also advise you on how often your business requires testing. These professionals can also give you pointers on specific investments that can help augment your security measures. 

Detect Flaws and Vulnerabilities

One of the top reasons a company needs penetration testing is to gauge the existing condition of the security measures and controls. With a pen test, you can uncover how strong or weak your IT infrastructure is, and how cybercriminals can exploit it. 

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Penetration testing enables the testers to imitate and anticipate the hackers’ moves before they could do anything to your system. The pen testers’ objectives include searching for vulnerabilities due to unsanitised inputs, unprotected application codes, configuration errors, improper security settings, and other shortcomings in your network functioning. These help the pen test experts to identify loopholes in new or current infrastructure and patch them for maximum network security. 

Develop Efficient Security Measures

Penetration testing increases the security infrastructure of your business. It helps you understand the potential risks and security gaps in case of a cyber-attack on your existing security method. The pen testers often work together with security system engineers to generate an efficient security system. 

These professionals are knowledgeable in digging deeper into the vulnerabilities of IT infrastructures. They are experienced enough to get around difficulties with the use of tried and tested methodologies. Having the essential expertise ensures the proficiency and competency of the penetration testers. Also, they can help you choose the most suitable cybersecurity solution that fits your budget. 

Use Methods in Line With Security Requirements

As you aim to protect your company from cybercriminals, you will want it to be regulatory compliance. Major security standards such as ISO 27001 formulate these guidelines, requiring businesses to conduct security audits and penetration testing regularly. For example, you need to perform a pen test after a major security system change. 

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A business that does not maintain compliance may be fined for data or security breach. A reputable pen testing company is aware of these regulatory standards. While doing the test on your IT infrastructure, they make sure that there is a balance between the use of manual tools and automated ones. 

By practising regular pen testing on your cybersecurity, you can prevent threats and attacks as well as review the risk exposure of your business continually.  To access pen testing methodologies that fit the needs of your company, make sure to hire only certified pen test specialists.