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Mobile phones and mobile apps have become a major part of our life. People can’t perform tasks without the mobile phones; this is the importance of it. With mobile app development Dubai, you can also create custom application for your business. Mobile apps can be developed but user retention is most important. When the user retention is satisfactory then they keep coming back to your app. You can enhance user experience with features, functionalities and designs of the app.  Below, you will know about  various and top app design trends for the year 2021.


The first thing what people see when downloading the app is its icon. The icon and buttons must be eye-catching which will attract the people through mobile app development Dubai. With 3D graphics, a new app design trend has emerged known as neumorphism which is the short form of new skeumorphism.  This trend provides them with a vibrant visual redesign for simple keys. This does not give the realistic effect but it’s definitely eye-catching and gives life to it.

Clear Visuals for the Eyes

As today’s generation is on phone all the time, their eyes are strained more than anything else. So, many developers with mobile app development Dubai are making apps creatively comfortable for the eyes. A boring and eye straining app design is of no use today.  When your app design is soothing for your eyes, the app user is retained and stays longer on your app. The motive of mobile app development Dubai is to make app design eyes friendly. 

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VR and AR Immersion

As we all stayed home during the times of lockdown, we all have experienced the augmented reality and virtual reality through the mobile apps.  This makes apps presentable in real time. This will enhance user experience to another level. It also attracts many users to use and experience the app. This also advances the features. The AR and VR immersion makes your app unique from others. Everything looks realistic with this app trend in 2021 and will also be trending in the coming years. 

Data Visualization

This is one of the trending app designs these days as it makes everything look unique with graphs, animation and many more. Everything looks fascinating with this and mobile app development Dubai.  Data visualization also enhances the presentation of your app with mobile app development Dubai. This creates visuals that come off the jaw. Data visualization has a lot more benefits and can help you enhance your business with mobile app development Dubai.

Embossed Typography

This is an excellent mobile app design trend in 2021. Embossed typography helps in conveying the message of your brand with quality content. It enhances user experience and visual impression. This also attracts customers to use the app. This also increases the value of the app and make it look classic.

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Approach DXB apps for the mobile app development Dubai with the latest app designs of 2021. Their extra-ordinary services will make both, your business and app successful in every possible way.