Microblading: Various Kinds Of Microblading Eyebrows


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Who doesn’t want a perfect eyebrow every day? Everyone does. Right? However, the struggle of doing eyebrows and still not making it look perfect is real. At that point, microblading came to the scene.

Primarily we had eyebrow tattooing, which is not a lot different from microblading. It means if someone asks you what is microblading eyebrows, you can say it is the upgraded version of eyebrow tattooing.

To make it more understandable, we can say that it is a process where a dermatologist or artist uses a microneedle or a bunch of microneedles to draw and penetrate colour on your skin.

Microblading eyebrows give you the perfect eyebrows without spending hours with brushes and expensive makeup products. Now you might be thinking about the pain. Aren’t you? Well. Your technician will apply a numbing cream before injecting the needles into your skin to help you feel less pain.

Various types of microblading

Now that you know the answer to what is microblading, it will help if you understand that there are various types of microblading eyebrows. The microblading trend took over social media.

It showed several versions, such as microshading, micro feathering, ombre brows, powder brows etc. Even though all of these come under microblading, each has a unique look of its own. Some women combine more than one type of microblade to get more natural, dramatic and beautiful eyebrows.

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But the two most important things that can help you get a better microblading experience are finding a trustworthy, renowned technician to avoid wrong impacts from microblading and secondly understand what type of microblading eyebrows will suit you.

Here are the types of microblade and best-suited requirements:

  • Microblading

Microblading is when the artist or technician uses their hand to inject micro needles to put colours on your eyebrows. It is the perfect treatment for people with dry to normal skin. You will find your derma making strokes of hair like your original eyebrow on your skin.

  • Microshading

The process of microshading is somewhat the same as microblading eyebrows. The difference between microblading and micro shading is that technicians use a machine instead of hands in micro shading.

Another difference is that in microshading, the artists don’t make strokes, but they pinpoint dots on the eyebrows, which helps the pigment set better. Microshading is the best option for people with oily or sensitive skin.

Also, some people cannot grow their eyebrows dark due to over-plucking. Microshading is the best microblading option for them as well.

Combining two types of microblading makes the eyebrows look naturally perfect, denser, and darkened, worth the money, time, and pain.

  • Powder brows
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It is one of the lightest shades of microblading. Some women like to fill their brows with lighter shades to make them look natural yet beautiful, and powder brow is perfect for them.


If you know what you want, it becomes more comfortable for you to go through any treatment; it also reduces the scare of injecting colours into your skin.