Everything You Need To Know About Covid-19 Tests And International Travels


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It is February 15, 2021, one day after Valentine’s. For most of us this year, Valentine does not feel like a normal Valentine. The reason being for most of us have lost a loved one or friend, or we are praying and watching our friends, and loved ones struggle for their lives in the hospital. During this article’s writing, there 109,432,722 reported positive cases of COVID-19 with a recovery of 81,529,950. You may think that the number of recoveries is good and we should not worry about the pandemic. However, while there is a huge number of recovery, 2,412,598 people have lost their lives to the virus. The 2,412,598 maybe your brother, sister, mother, father, friend, daughter, or son. However, we can all agree that one death is too many. If governments could take quick actions may be the death toll would be smaller.

During the early stages, the international economy went on lockdown, with international travels being restricted to curb the virus’s spread. One year down the line, things are seemly getting back to normal with countries allowing for international travel. Though you have to undergo a COVID-19 test for most countries, you need to have documentation for the test. During this article’s reading, you will get to read and understand the different types of COVID-19 tests.

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Types of COVID-19 tests

There are three types of tests all over the world, which are used by health workers worldwide. In the tests, they do require nasal or throat, or antigen swab tests. When talking about the different types of tests, we do refer to

  • RT-PCR test, also known as the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction test
  • RTK-Ag test, also known as the Antigen Rapid test kit
  • The Antibody Test

Each of these tests come with different testing parameters and also time frame. So it is vital to look closely into every one of these tests.

The RT-PCR Test

If you have been watching the news, chances are you have heard of the term RT-PCR Test being used by specialists. So what is RT-PCR Test? The RT-PCR test is simply a COVID-19 test that shows if a person has active COVID-19 by looking closely at the virus genetic material by looking at the molecule. The test is administered through a throat or nasal swab.

Using the RT-PCR Test, one can get the test results in 24 hours to 7 days. It comes with high accuracy, and on a global scale, it is considered the gold standard of COVID-19 tests.

RTK-Ag test, also known as the Antigen Rapid test kit

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The second test COVID-19 test used worldwide is the RTK-Ag test, also known as the Antigen Rapid test kit. The test looks at if the person is actively infected with the virus. RTK-Ag test, also known as the Antigen Rapid test kit, looks at the specific protein found in the virus. Health experts do get samples through nasal and throat swabs.

The test does take 15 to 30 minutes to get results. It comes with a great deal of precision in terms of accuracy, though it has been associated with false-positive in the past. It is considered useful in detecting and controlling COVID-19 outbreaks.

The Antibody Test

The third test used is the antibody test. It tends to look at if the person has had the virus in the past. It focuses on the antibodies of the patient. It is carried out through a blood test by finger prick or blood being draw directly. The results can be obtained on the same day or after a few days. In terms of accuracy, it is considered fairly active, but a second test may be required for more accurate results in some cases. In terms of usefulness, it is only suitable to detect if someone has suffered from COVID-19 tests, and it is not useful in detecting active COVID-19 cases.

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Currently, most countries need to COVID-19 certificate. In the COVID-19 certificate, one needs to show that he/ she has tested negative for the virus. For instance, the USA will require a test that shows the genetic material of the virus, or the antigen swab test“. The results should be negative, and the test should be done within the last 72 hours before entering or departing the country.
However, most countries require the RT-PCR test, also known as the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction test. It is because of its high level of accuracy, and again, it is considered the golden standard COVID-19 test. If you are looking to travel abroad, you must read the country’s required test so that you can organize yourself accordingly. Remember you may not be allowed to enter some countries if you have not adhered to the COVID-19 test required in that particular country. For additional information, during the passport procedure, you will be required to undertake an instant drug test for international traveling. If you are caught with drugs at the airport, you will be subjected to drug tests and highly penalized for positive results. It is advisable to play safe and avoid getting into severe situations.