Best Website Builders for Small Businesses


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Starting a business can be hard. Building a website for your small business shouldn’t be. How do you know you are using one of the best website builders for your needs though?

Choosing A Website Builder

The best website builders are actually developers, not builders. Nowadays, people get sucked into the popularity of using a website builder, and don’t realize what it is costing their business.

What Is A Website Developer?

A website developer is someone that will code your website for you from scratch. By doing so, they create a unique, high performing, and professional website for your business.

A good example of a website development company is Atavion. They do all the work for you at an affordable price so that you don’t have to break the bank to receive the same level of professionalism as the big businesses.

How Builders Fall Short

Website builders may be enticing at first due to their free plans. However, they end up costing your business in the long run.

As a small business, your main goal is more than likely to grow. The way to do that is with a website that ranks well on search engines. One that can be easily found by potential customers.

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Website builders won’t be able to help you in this aspect. Their pre-made templates are not SEO optimized, and neither are the rest of the so called ‘customizable’ aspects of the site you build.

Lack of Uniqueness

Not only do search engines not like the templates, but your potential customers may not either.

As a small business, you probably have quite a few competitors. If those competitors use the same website builder as you, they could build a website that looks exactly like yours. This could cause confusion amongst customers and result in a loss of sales.

Who Is the Best Website Builder for You?

The best website builder for anyone with a small business is none of them. If you want your site to perform well, you should opt to use a website developer instead. They will be able to help scale your business while you just worry about accommodating all the new orders.