How To Become A Cyber Security Analyst

Cyber Security

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Today, people, as well as corporates, are interconnected to each other via the internet and it has become a popular medium to share ideas and information. Each hour, a massive amount of information is passed inside and between companies, most of it very crucial to companies. If there is such crucial information being circulated through a popular and common medium, some unauthorized individuals would certainly want to access this information for their gain. This activity of unlawfully accessing another’s data without his prior approval and knowledge is called a ‘Cyber Crime’ and if there is a threat of a crime, there are guards against it. Click here to learn more about engineering diplomas.

A cybersecurity expert is one such security measure against a cybercrime threat. Every company that has any sort of presence on the internet, hires a cybersecurity expert to identify, monitor, and reduce security threats to their information exchange network. So, if one is interested in adopting Cyber Security as a profession and wants to know where to start, here is a rudimentary step by step guide in doing so.

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Get Familiar With The Basics, Especially How Computer Shares Information

There are some very commonplace terms such as – database, websites, IP address, and others, about which an average person just has a slight idea and surface-level knowledge. Then there are other fundamental concepts such as Access Protocols, User Switching, LAN setups, Server and Terminal relationships, Network Topology, and many others, which an average person never even heard about. To advance as a security expert, a deep understanding of what all of them are and how they work is very necessary. 

Many online education portals include all of them as a part of their study material, while some skips the most common ones. In any case, one should at least have an idea about the several ways a computer connects to other computers and peripherals.

Learn and Master a Computer Language

Although there are a multitude of computer languages for e.g, FORTRAN, BASIC, COBOL, Java, and others the aspirant should only focus on the ones being used extensively for web designing, database management, and web development

Some popular and recent such languages are – C#, Python, HTML, SQL 

There are a multitude of good books, online courses, and video tutorials available to choose from to learn about a computer language. Learning about any one computer language is very necessary, not only it enables one to ‘code’ to restrict accesses to the information but also teaches several parameters of access that can be used to gain access by modifying the script or code of the server or webpage

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Learning any one language is also beneficial in the sense that learning one language would make learning about others very easy as once the understanding of logic is developed the only thing that remains is learning about the syntax of another language. 

Regular Practice and Application of the Concepts

Apart from learning language coding skills, an aspirant should also be able to apply the basic concepts of network security. This needs proper practice as the various procedures of handling a particular threat cannot be memorized in a single day. This also takes good reasoning and observing skills to identify the various methods that can be used to gain or compromise information networks.

Get a Professional Certification/Diploma/ Degree in Information Technology or Cyber Security

While one can always self-study to learn about the basics, it is studying more advanced concepts that pose a real obstacle. Not only the study material for advanced stuff is complex to understand by oneself, but he also lacks the proper resources (Quiz and Exams) to test his knowledge. Nowadays, many online portals have combined basic concepts and advanced concepts along with easy-to-understand video lectures, period tests, and a student support helpline, all combined in a course program.

What Is Cybersecurity And How Does It Work?

Also Read:   Beyond Firewalls: Uncommon Strategies for Enhanced Cybersecurity Services

Another benefit of getting a certification/diploma/degree is that it increases the employability of the holder. They are a sort of benchmark for the recruiters which ensures that the candidate indeed has gained the proper knowledge required for the job of cybersecurity.

To sum it up, learning to become a cybersecurity expert Is not as easy as one thinks and conversely not as rigorous as one thinks, it all depends upon the aspirant’s motivation and perseverance. In any case, if one is interested in this lucrative field of job opportunity, the least he can do is to give it a try

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