What skills do you need to become a successful tutor


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The educational and enrichment sector in Singapore is ever flourishing as parents and students alike recognise the pertinent role a tutor has in supporting their child’s academic endeavor. As tuition agencies see the significant rise in tuition jobs Singapore, there is a demand for tutors. However, not everyone is cut out to be a tutor, what more a successful one. The role of a tutor is to inspire, motivate and ultimately to increase student’s self-efficacy. There are a few consistent factors which are observed in successful tutors which routinely improve students’ academic performance and cultivate that skill for independent, self-directed learning. 


Successful tutors take the initiative to design or curate a lesson plan for their students, targeting their weak concepts and problems. Tutors are experts in their academic content and they possess specific content expertise pertaining to the subject they are teaching. It is thus important for tutors to first identify a student’s weak spot and focus on planning weekly lesson plans to target their weaknesses. It is an added advantage to be timely in providing materials and extend support (online) beyond lessons. The hallmarks of a successful tutor lies in having good planning and communication skills, as well as possessing the ability to make learning relevant and real for students. 

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Another trait would be that successful tutors are dedicated to their students and they want the best for them. Tutors need to be empathetic and put themselves in the shoes of their students. They should try to understand what it’s like to be a student who may lack confidence and have low self-esteem and morale. Tutors 

Furthermore, tutors are also non-judgemental. They are respectful of personal boundaries and students’ family backgrounds. This is especially important given that building rapport and having good communication with students and their parents are what makes a tutor reliable and trustworthy. 

Lastly, tutors provide space and encourage independent learning. While guiding students and giving them a pathway when they are facing difficulties in their academic endeavour is important, it is equally important to encourage independence. Giving students the space and opportunity to look at how they think and learn is crucial in the process of shaping them to be self-directed, independent learners. Given that students face a wealth of resources and information online, the fundamental job of teaching is not to solely impart facts but also to teach students to discern misinformation and make informed decisions on their own. 


Of course, on top of possessing the above mentioned skills, it is important to know how to sell yourself as an effective, successful tutor. Being able to advertise yourself to potential parents and their children is a bonus. Tutors can engage platforms such as Carousel or tuition agencies to sell their services. The most effective way would be through word of mouth, when your previous or existing students recognise your ability and recommend your service to others. 

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Building a good relation with parents is crucial to reducing miscommunication. When you receive your first tuition assignment Singapore, engage with the parents to understand more about their child’s academic

performance, their strengths as well as weaknesses. This creates a positive first impression and demonstrates responsibility, which is one of the key traits of a successful tutor. Parents are often the decision makers and they set the tone for the student-tutor relationship. Establishing good communication with the parents would allow tutors to have more ease in effectively managing the student’s progress. There should be consistent communication between tutors and parents so as to keep track of students progress and regularly updating parents on their child’s areas of improvements. 

This goes without saying that having a pleasant relationship with students is equally important so as to work with them effectively to aid them in their learning process. Tutors should recognise that it is akin to having a partnership, collaborating closely with students and being a good listener. Having a robust and strong relationship greatly increases the sense of connection between the student and tutor, thereby creating trust and respect. Students would also be more inclined to work closely with their tutors to improve their academic performance. 

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All in all, being a tutor is a noble and meaningful job. Nothing beats the satisfaction a tutor receives when you chart the growth and improvement of your students. Helping students to gain confidence in their academics through you lending them your expertise is truly fulfilling.