How to fix the white screen of death

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Deleting core files, white-screen of death, deleting a user are typical fears when using WordPress. Sometimes these fears can become a reality either by accident or by malware, and your only option may be to redirect WordPress. Not only do you have to worry about the success of your page but also about its safety. These situations can permanently damage your website, but thanks to the Emergency Recovery Script are now a thing of the past.

Emergency Recovery Scrips is one of the features of the WordPress Reset plugin. This feature automatically recognizes the problem and solves it with few clicks.

How does it work?

You have installed and activated the plugin, proceed over to Support, and enable the Emergency Recovery Script. Once you do that, it’s essential to copy the URL and password and safely store it.

From now going forward, if you face any of the already mentioned problems or any new problems that could damage your website, this feature will help you recover it.C:\Users\HP\Desktop\wp-reset-coder-at-work.png

For example, you accidentally activated a bad plugin or deleted core files in WordPress, and now your site is blocked. No need to panic, just open a new tab and paste the URL that you have stored earlier and enter the password. Click Login and see what the problem is. It will show you WordPress Info, Server info, Core Files, Plugins, Administrator Account, and many more. If you have deleted some core files, they will be displayed here. You will have detailed insight into what is missing and what shouldn’t be in your core folder. Click the Reinstall All Core Files button, and all the missing core files will be recovered. On the other hand, if you have installed a bad plugin, scroll down a bit, find the troubling plugin and click the Deactivate plugin button.

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Now go back to your page, reload it, and watch it work just as well as before.

That is just one of many powerful features that WP Reset offers. 

Also worth mentioning are Snapshot, White Label feature, Nuclear Reset, and Collections.

Snapshot is a great feature that allows you to take a snapshot of the current state of your site. For example, the plugin you’ve installed caused problems on your webpage but deleting it didn’t fix the issues. With this feature, you can restore a snapshot of a previous version of the page settings before any of the problems occurred.

The White Label feature hides all WebFactory logos and links from the plugin. It can also hide the license tab from clients, so if you want to set up a sticky menu for example and only preview your credits, with this option you can easily set it up.

Nuclear Reset lets you start fresh by removing all files, options, tables, everything, leaving you with a clean canvas for you to start painting on.

The Collection is a list of your favorite items, which you can install in bulk. You can create as many lists as you want. This feature will save you time because instead of waiting 10 minutes to install each plugin, you can do that with one click.

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WP Reset will help you boost the performance of your website, and declutter it from any unwanted plugins and themes.