Security Features To Consider While Choosing Laptop For Real Estate Work

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Most real estate agents hardly spend their working hours in the office as much of their business takes place in personal meetings with clients, open houses,  and even on the road using their laptops. While most of the business tasks are being handled through laptop devices, it becomes critical to have security. It is just not enough to have antivirus software downloaded on your device as hackers have discovered many new ways to attack the software as well as hardware. Fortunately, the security threats can be controlled with the right security features that come with the best laptop for real estate agents. Here we are sharing some useful tips to consider while planning to buy a new laptop real estate agent.

Webcam shutters

Nowadays, Hackers are creative and have discovered many new ways to hack the webcam of the user for spying. It is quite uncomfortable to know that someone is watching you while you’re working. Putting tape on a device is not a solution, rather, you should look for a webcam device with a physical shutter on it. You can go with the one having an automatic shutter or the manual option.

Presence awareness

Most people have a bad habit of not locking the laptop while moving away from it. First of all, leaving your laptop is a bad choice, and forgetting to lock it is like giving someone an opportunity to destroy your goodwill. Hackers can always take advantage of such a situation and install a Malware program on your device. Here you need help from the presence awareness technologies that can help your device to detect when the user is no longer in front of it.

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TPM module

The TPM module has been around us for years. This module could be a chip mounted over the motherboard of your laptop, or embedded in the firmware. Go with the one mounted on hardware. The TPM module is responsible for a tamper-resistant way of storing the encrypted keys. It is a good feature to have on your laptop for business work.

Private browsing

Since most of the security threats reach your device to the web browser, it is important to have a feature to protect your browsing. A real estate agent’s laptop must have a private browsing feature where the entire browsing session can take place in a  secure virtual environment. When you close the web browser, everything you have browsed or downloaded will be cleared from the history. This helps you to make sure that your laptop is not infected by any malicious attack.

Protection from unknown attacks

There are certain Malware attacks ( for example zero-day attacks) on which anti Malware software does not work.  Nowadays, most laptops for real estate agents come with a ” Zero-Day” attack protection feature. The software helps to detect suspicious activity on the device and also sends alerts so you can take the necessary action to deal with the problem.

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The laptops coming in the market for real estate agents are manufactured considering their requirements. Thus, rather than relying completely upon the hardware specifications of the device, check for the security features. This will help you to make sure that you are executing all your business processes and communication in a safe and reliable environment. So,  whenever you are on the ‘best laptop for realtors’ hunting next time,  do look for these security features. Always have the best and most safe device on the road when dealing with clients.

Go for your best buy today!