Create a WordPress website in 5 steps!


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WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) that allows you to manage your website quite easily. WordPress is the most famous website software in the world. More than 30% of all websites worldwide run on..

 Creating a website is very easy these days. In the 5 simple steps below, we explain how you can make a good wordpress website completely independently without having to spend (a lot of) money.

The 5 steps to create a WordPress website with aleph website

Step 1: Arrange hosting and domain name

Step 2: Install WordPress

Step 3: Choose a design

Step 4: Install Plugins

Step 5: Targeting your website

Step 1: Arrange hosting and domain name

To be able to install a WordPress website yourself, you need server space where your website will be located. That’s called hosting. You can compare this to the hard drive of your computer where your files are stored. In the Netherlands alone, there are already hundreds of hosting parties where you can take out a hosting package. Prices for this start at €4 and go up to €50 (or more expensive) per month. A number of good hosting parties are, for example:

Step 1.2: Register a domain name

A domain name (also called domain) is the address where someone can visit your website. A domain name often refers to an IP Address, this is the address of the server on which your website files are stored. One..

for your website and check if it is still available. You can check that here at HostNet for example. As soon as you have come up with a domain name that is still available, you can register the .nl version if it concerns a Dutch website. Register a .com if you want to start an English or international website. It is not recommended to work with other extensions such as .info or .net. Your website files are stored on your hosting account and it is linked to your domain name.

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Step 2: Install WordPress website

Create wordpress websiteOnce you’ve taken care of this, you can install WordPress on your hosting account. WordPress is free software for creating websites. It is a so-called CMS (Content Management System

CMS is a Content Management System; a software application (usually a web application, which allows people to publish documents and data on the internet. The system is built in such a way that you..

) that you use to build and manage your website. With most hosters, for example WebChamp , you can have this installed in a few seconds.

Do it yourself?

You can also do it yourself if you have some technical knowledge. Then go to the WordPress website , download the software and install the system via FTP on your domain name. Don’t get this last sentence? Then it is a good idea not to do it yourself…

Simplicity for success

Once WordPress is installed you already have a complete website. The design you see is the default WordPress design. You can do different things like to colour

Small, unobtrusive cues – or signals from the outside – determine more of our actions than we think. Victor Lamme, professor of cognitive neuroscience at the University of Amsterdam, explains in his book ‘De..

, background, the banner, menus, etc. will change.

twenty fourteen wordpress theme

The latest free theme from WordPress: ‘Twenty Fourteen’.

Update March 2015 : Also check out the new Twenty Fifteen  theme from WordPress with which you can set up a free website in no time.

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Step 3: Choose a design (theme)

There are literally thousands of designs for WordPress attorney website design to download for free. For WordPress, designs are called “themes” or “themes”. You can download it and place it on your own website. You can go for free design but you can also go to or . There you will find very high-quality and modern designs for very little money. With $45 you often come a long way. Not sure how to get such a purchased design on your website? Again, contact your hosting provider. For them it is often a matter of seconds to do this for you.


Take the time to take a good look at all the designs on these two websites and choose a design that completely matches your wishes. This way you have the least work on it after purchase.

Step 4: Install Plugins

When you have set up a beautiful website, you can expand it with extra functionalities and of course optimize the website better in terms of SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization (NL: search engine optimization). This course includes all activities you do as a web designer to make your website easier to find in the search engines and thus more visitors.

 and usability

How do you measure the usability of your website? Is the design attractive enough? Do your visitors click where they should click? Are there still areas for improvement? The Technology Acceptance Model..

You do this using WordPress plugins. You can find these plugins  on the WordPress site  . Be careful with plugins, in this video I’ll tell you why:

Tip: Whatever you do, at least install Yoast ‘sEO plugin . This plugin makes it very easy to set up the basic search engine optimization of your website.

Which plugins do you need more? Check out this guide to discover more useful plugins.

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Step 5: Targeting your website

Congratulations, you have now created a simple website. And now? You get the most out of your website when you use it as a (marketing) tool. Here’s how you can start using the website for:

Attracting Visitors (How? Download Win in Google

SEO Book by Tonny Loorbach: Discover with this SEO ebook how you can get your website higher in Google for free (ebook full of practical tips)

Converting those visitors to a certain result (website conversion

A conversion stands for converting (converting) a visitor to someone who takes action. Call optimizing your website to get more results (such as leads and sales) from your visitors.

So ask yourself what the result is that you want to get from the website. Some examples:

Building a list of email addresses (opt-in

Opt-in means consciously registering or subscribing to a newsletter, for example. With opt-in, someone gives explicit permission that his / her e-mail address may be used to send information (such as newsletters..

Get quote requests for your service or product

direct sales

Sales include all activities that you as an entrepreneur, marketer or seller undertake to make more sales of your product or service.

 do via the website (for example via a sales page

A sales page (NL: sales page) is a landing page that is specifically optimized for selling a product or service. A good sales page can make a huge difference to your business. If you are not sure you have enough skill to create the perfect landing page, it’s always a smart choice to reach out to a top New York web design agency and get some help.

WordPress is ideal for posting blog posts. Place valuable blog posts on your website and you will see that you will get more and more visitors and more and more results from those visitors. It’s not more difficult than this. I hope to have broken the “Myth” about setting up a good website. You really don’t have to be technical for this, it costs almost nothing (tens of work) and you can literally have it arranged within a day.