5 Reasons People Are Choosing To Go Car Free

Tips & Tricks

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Automobiles have been the standard mode of transportation in America for decades. The speed from point A to B and the convenience of additional seating, air conditioning and heat, and several other factors made driving desirable. However, as the years go by and research continues to point to the destructive properties of vehicles on the environment, people are beginning to reconsider if commuting by car is the best idea. There are at least five reasons to transition to traditional or electric bikes for adultsor an urban electric tricycle exporter.

1. Expense

Owning a vehicle is not cheap. Even before you consider the fuel, a car owner must dish out money for insurance, registration, and tags; those are expenses they have regardless of how often they drive the car. Aside from standard payments, a car owner must also pay for routine maintenance, like oil changes. Beyond the standard expenses of ownership, there is always the risk of receiving traffic or parking violations because no one is a perfect driver at all times. 

A bicycle does not carry the same expenses. You do not need a special license to operate a bike, and there are very few instances of moving violations. Also, you will rarely be hard-pressed to find a parking space. 

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2. Environment

Cars are one of the greatest polluters. The level of CO2 pumped into the environment is contributing to the climate crisis. While you might need to use a vehicle occasionally, finding ways to limit use can help the planet. There are many environmental benefits of electric bikes. A bicycle does not use fuel and therefore does not contribute to the pollution problem. An electric bike, providing support and power to achieve farther distances, does not contribute to environmental problems.

3. Traffic

As the population continues to grow, the roadways are getting more congested. When driving in bustling downtowns, the average commute can be doubled or tripled by traffic. However, bike lanes are often less congested, providing fewer starts and stops, meaning that a person riding a bike, especially if boosted by an electric motor, can experience a quicker commute, or at the very least, a less stressful one.

4. Parking

In busy metropolitan areas, parking is limited, making it challenging to find a space. Additionally, to control the flow of traffic, many downtowns will charge for parking. A person who rides a bicycle will not experience the same parking-related issues. There are typically plenty of bike racks around a city, and if there are not enough spaces in designated areas, you still have options, like taking your bike into your office, if permitted.

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5. Health

Riding a bicycle is also healthier than driving a car. Even using electric bikes will require some bit of aerobic activity, which is good for the heart. You weigh the benefits, sitting in a car for countless hours in traffic versus the continuous movement of pedaling on a bicycle.

Are you ready to go car-free, at least for your commute? If so, head over to your local bike shop and take a look around. Ask one of the store salespeople to help you find the right fit for your desired riding style.