5 Reasons Why You Need to Back Up Your Data

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Whilst most businesses know the importance of backing up their data, a shocking amount are still failing to carry out this vital task. 

If you are not yet taking data protection seriously, then you may want to check out the below statistics:

  • Between 40-60% of small businesses that experience data loss will not reopen. 
  • Detecting a data breach takes, on average, 206 days. 
  • Small businesses are set back $8,000 for an hour of downtime. 

Keen to find out more reasons why you need to back up your business’ data?

Keep reading to find out five ways in which data backup can benefit your business. Plus, what could happen if you don’t implement a data backup and recovery plan. 

  1. To prevent data loss

As you would expect, the most obvious and important reason why you need to back up your data is to prevent data loss. 

Whether you have lost data due to accidental deletion or a hardware failure, if you don’t have your data backed up, it is going to cost you a lot more to get things up and running again. 

  1. To reduce downtime

As mentioned above, data loss can result in long periods of downtime in which your business is constantly losing money. 

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Even if you are unable to operate and generate income, you will still have to pay your employee’s wages and all your other overheads. 

However, having dependable IT support with a backup plan in place can significantly reduce your downtime and experience minimal losses. Moreover, remaining to be resilient and uninterrupted also means not just reducing downtimes but even mitigating them with the help of your enlisted experts.

  1. To gain a competitive edge 

If you have a data backup plan in place, but your competitors do not, whose business do you think is more future-proof? 

Think what would happen if you lost your data and you didn’t have a contingency plan in place. Your competitors would swoop in and take advantage of your misfortune. 

If you are not sure how to back up your data or you would like to invest in a data restoration plan, PSI, an IT Support company, can help you with both data backup and disaster recovery. 

  1. To aid recovery 

Even with the best will in the world, your business may fall victim to a cyber-attack and, if this does happen, you want to be prepared. 

While some viruses can infect your entire network, if you have up-to-date backups, you may be able to restore your systems more quickly and minimize the damage caused to your business and your customers.

  1. To protect your brand’s reputation 
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According to a study by Small Business Trends, 58% of small businesses do not have a backup plan in place for data loss. This is despite the fact that consumers are more concerned with protecting their data online than ever before. 

If you did experience a data loss, you could expect to lose the trust of your customers and to see your overall brand reputation dimmish. 

However, by backing up your data, you can instill trust in your brand and offer both your customers and your employees’ peace of mind that their personal information is properly protected.