3 Great Ways Your Business Can Improve Customer Service


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Great customer service is the cornerstone for any business. Whether you are in a customer-facing product business, or service industry with stakeholders, giving great customer service will increase your bottom line.

At the core of great customer service, is providing a positive experience for your customers.

What It Takes To Deliver Good Customer Service

In today’s fast-paced world, people have a lot of things to do both at work and at home. 

When you provide a positive experience, you are pulling customers back in. It’s about getting your customer to remember why they came to your business and giving them the kind of experience that they will want to come back for.

It’s very simple: if your customer doesn’t like you, they won’t return. The importance of customer service cannot be denied no matter what industry you are from, be it fashion industry ​or textile industry

Learn How To Communicate

Teach your whole team how to communicate with customers, whether they are speaking to them on the phone or over social media.

Your team needs to pick up on this quickly. If they don’t, you will need to train them.

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A simple way to do this is by asking your employees “how often do you have a conversation with a customer?” 

If they can’t answer, it’s time to get in touch with your customer service teams. It’s not enough for them to just say that they have a conversation with a customer, but actually ask them for an example of that scenario. 

For more great tips on communicating with customers, check out this article.

Have A Consistent Message

Consistent messaging is all about good branding, and good branding is all about consistency.

What does a message look like in text messaging or a social media post? The same thing, all the time.

This consistency is key to building trust and re-engaging your customers. They have gotten used to it. Even if they have gotten a new phone just for talking with you, they will get confused when you start changing things up.

A great way to create a consistent message across all channels is by just asking yourself how many times you say “we”, “us”, “our”, or “us”. If you don’t do this regularly, you might want to consider doing it. 

Have A Solid Complaints Procedure

Complaints happen, even to brilliant companies, but how you handle them will really improve the experience for your customers.

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It’s not about handling complaints poorly, but rather about having a plan in place for how you will respond to customers. If you don’t, it will be very difficult for your customers to trust you.

So, what should your plan be? 

You need to figure out what happens if someone has an issue with the services or products that you provide. 

Some companies take on all complaints and handle them individually. This is not great customer service because it requires time (and resources) that could be better spent providing great customer service.

Instead, it’s better to handle complaints in bulk. From there, look at each complaint to see how you can improve your customer service based on what they are saying.