8 Examples of Innovative Technologies in B2B

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A successful business depends on the effectiveness of its marketing and sales strategies. With innovation in technologies, marketers can optimize their tactics for a more targeted approach to reach consumers. 

From personalized recommendation lists to AI-powered chatbots, and many other innovations have improved how businesses operate in the digital world. That said, some of these technologies are also optimizing the B2B marketing and sales strategies, boosting your efforts, and helping you reach your target ROI. 

In the blog, we’ll take a closer look at each of them to see how they help revolutionize the B2B market:

AI and Chatbots

Chatbots are generally known for their involvement in the B2C industries and e-commerce customer service. But recently, some of the B2B companies have adopted the technology to automate and optimize their processes. 

AI-powered chatbots help personalize the experience for every customer or client that visits the site. Communication is essential in any B2B market, and chatbots provide immediate responses so that clients are not left waiting. It also allows you to keep customer support open 24/7 without hiring more personnel.

It’s not just for customer service, but AI-enabled chatbots and machine learning software are transforming the B2B landscape on the whole. From enhancing sales to automating and accelerating interactions on the frontend, the revolution affects all areas of operation in a B2B market.

Text Messaging

Text messages offer a much higher open rate of approximately 98% than emails, averaging at 22%. That said, most sales representatives increasingly prefer to reach their prospects via text messaging.

Texting also has no spam filter, which allows you direct and immediate access to your target buyers. So, as long as they sign up and register for your subscriber list, you can reach out to them for engagement, sales, and more.  

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Additionally, most texts receive responses within five minutes, which saves your time and effort on a lead that will not yield results. So, spending time on a lead that will convert will also boost your ROI.

But to get the most out of your SMS strategy, you would need to automate communication touchpoints and nurture leads at different points through the sales funnel. 

Percolate – Content Marketing Tool

Content marketing is an integral part of a digital marketing strategy for B2B companies. But it can be challenging to coordinate as your team grows and your business booms. That’s where Percolate lends a hand!

It’s a content marketing platform that helps in organizing your team and optimizing the workflow. You can have set a schedule for your content planning, creation, and marketing. It will streamline the briefing and creation process by removing all elements that create a hurdle.

With the standardization of the creation process, it will free up your team to work on larger projects. You can boost your efforts to generate more leads and conversions with a more straightforward content marketing plan.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics is one of the most significant advantages of incorporating big data and AI into analytical tools like Google Analytics. B2B companies can monitor the effectiveness of their marketing and sales campaigns on every digital channel they use. 

Google Analytics, for example, incorporates Analytics Intelligence that B2B businesses can use to understand the quantitative values of their marketing efforts. They can ask queries concerning their massive data sets, KPIs, compare results, and chart trends of their industry.

You can also find and monitor prospects on social media, engage with them, request feedback, and identify any shortcomings in their products and services. 

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Analytical tools, coupled with predictive analysis, are immensely useful in optimizing your marketing efforts to generate more leads and conversions.

Unbounce – Create Custom Landing Pages

Landing pages are where you direct your leads through your marketing campaigns, whether from emails, social, search engine ads, or more. Unbounce is an innovation that you can use to design unique landing pages that fit your requirements.

It offers convenient navigation with drag-and-drop technology to design custom landing pages with mobile optimization. You can also add sticky bars or pop-up forms to your page too.

Plus, all the landing pages are secure, so you can safeguard your clients’ details, which will eventually contribute to building trust and establishing long-term relations.

Pardot for Email Marketing & Lead Generation

Pardot is one innovation that can help B2B businesses track and boost their email marketing efforts, lead management, and lead generation. Partnered with Salesforce, it is one of the best technologies for B2B brands to increase their sales.

It features complete ROI reporting and analytics that displays the effects of your marketing and sales strategies. From your marketing lifecycle funnel to a quantitative analysis of your ROI, you can see it all on a single dashboard.

Manually collecting and organizing the information into data sets is challenging, but Pardot makes the job easier and simple. It saves you hours of research and offers a convenient solution that shows you where your marketing and sales efforts need more work.

Nudge – Boost Your Leads 

Another technological innovation to boost your sales is Nudge, which can optimize your efforts and boost leads. 

Lead generation is a process of gaining new prospects, which you then guide through your sales funnel to sell your products or services. Knowing which team member will be useful in closing a lead will help you ensure your success from the get-go.

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Nudge works by analyzing relations with current clients to determine which team members will be more successful in closing leads with the specific sales target. It would increase your lead generation rate much more swiftly then if you were only to optimize your strategies. 

It also has automated follow-up tools to help you build your network organically.

Portable Internet Solutions

Every business seeks to develop long-term relations with their clients, particularly B2B companies. For which, constant communication and engagement are crucial with acquired and existing clients. Plus, delays in responses, whether on email, social platforms, or the website, can make you appear unreliable.

Mobile and remote communication solutions have been around for some time now, but there is a possibility of local networks failing, disrupting communication. Thus, as an alternate, worldwide satellite internet technology exists that can maintain connections, regardless of the condition or location of the local networks.

Many B2B companies utilizing the tech can keep up constant communication with their clients, mainly if they operate from areas with a poor internet connection.

The Next Step: Boost Your B2B Marketing Efforts

Running a business is challenging, whether it’s B2B or B2C. But gaining a little assistance from people or technology can help you fish out your weaknesses and optimize your operations. 

Adopting these innovative technologies will automate many of your processes, optimize strategies, and boost your ROI. 

But if you want an alternative option to using technology, then consult with marketing and advertising firms, specializing in helping B2B companies with their campaigns and strategies. Top Firms, for example, is a platform where you can find leading B2B marketing consulting firms.

That said, in our digital world, it’s essential to understand the impact of technology. Being adept in utilizing these can help you stand out from the competition. You can also secure relations with rising startups and millennial entrepreneurs, who are well-versed in the importance of technology and its benefits for your ROI.