How Does Liposuction Work? The Guide you Need


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Liposuction, more commonly known as lipoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from certain body areas. One of the most popular and recognizable cosmetic surgeries, liposuction, has gained popularity due to its efficacy and low recovery time compared to other cosmetic procedures, such as breast augmentation or plastic surgery. However, with the growth in popularity has come questions about how liposuction works and why it works the way it does.

  1. What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that removes fat from your body and requires a local anesthetic, and you can usually go home the same day. The surgeon will make small incisions in your skin and insert a small cannula tube to help suction out the fat. Liposuction can help to remove fat from your abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. When people think of liposuction, they often picture it as a means to reduce fat rolls around the stomach. But liposuction is also helpful in reducing other types of fat deposits on your body.

  1. It’s Minimally Invasive

One of the reasons why liposuction is so popular is because it’s a minimally invasive procedure. That means the surgeon will make very small incisions to insert the cannula, which helps to suction out the fat. The incisions are so small that they usually heal within a week and don’t require stitches. However, you may want to compare Tummy Tuck vs Liposuction to help find the best option for you.

The best part? You can get back to your life right away! All you need to do is take care of yourself for the next few days and be mindful about what you eat. After surgery, you may need help with light housework or childcare for a few weeks until you feel ready. Like any surgery, liposuction has risks like infection, blood clots, and bruising. Still, these problems only occasionally happen while most people have no side effects.

  1. Removes Soft Fatty Tissues Using a Cannula
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Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that removes soft fatty tissues from specific body areas using a cannula. The surgeon inserts the cannula through small skin incisions and then moves back and forth to break up the fat cells. A vacuum-like device then suctions the fat cells out of the body. Liposuction can help to improve the appearance of areas such as the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms.

The procedure usually takes around one hour, depending on how much tissue you need to remove. For several days after liposuction, you should avoid any vigorous physical activity because this could cause bleeding or bruising under your skin. You can contact an aesthetic clinic Dubai,  which specializes in beauty treatments, for more information about what liposuction can do for you. It typically takes place in four steps: 

  • Inserting the device into a small incision in your body 
  • Extraction of the fat 
  • Inspection of the extracted fats
  • Remove any additional fat that may be left over 

If you’re considering liposuction, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss what would work best for you.

man in white medical scrub suit

Figure 1:

  1. Types of Liposuction

Many types of liposuction procedures are available today. The most common type is tumescent liposuction, which involves injecting a saline solution into the fatty tissue before suctioning it out. That helps to minimize blood loss and bruising. Other types include laser-assisted liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, and power-assisted liposuction. In each case, your doctor will insert an instrument called a cannula under your skin to extract the fat cells.

  1. Benefits of Liposuction
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Liposuction can help target specific areas of fat resistant to diet and exercise. It can also be helpful as a way to sculpt the body, creating a more contoured look. Liposuction will also remove large amounts of fat from the body, which can help with weight loss goals. Liposuction is a relatively quick and easy procedure with minimal recovery time.

woman holding spray

Figure 2:

However, patients may experience some discomfort and swelling for a few days after the surgery, but it should dissipate within weeks. It is important to consult with your doctor before having any cosmetic surgery, so you know what to expect! The procedure is also minimally invasive, thus, reducing the risk of infection and other complications.

  1. Recovery

Immediately following your liposuction procedure, your surgeon will wrap you in a compression garment or an elastic bandage. The garment helps minimize swelling and bruising andsupports the treated area. You will wear this garment for one to two weeks and may have some drainage from small tubes placed under your skin during surgery. Your surgeon must remove these tubes within one to two days after surgery. Most people can return to work and their normal activities within one week.

However, remember that most people need to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days after their surgery to ensure that the effect of anesthesia is completely gone. It is important to rest and not put any pressure on the treated areas as this could cause damage and pain. You should avoid strenuous exercise for four weeks post-surgery so that your body has time to heal before it is physically stressed again.

  1. Cost of Liposuction
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The liposuction cost may depend on several factors, such as the part of the body undergoing treatment, how many areas you want to treat, and how long the operation takes. The type of anesthesia may also affect the total surgery cost, with local anesthesia costing less than general anesthesia. Fees typically include surgeons, hospital, anesthesia, and facility fees for things like oxygen or IVs.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from your body through suction. It greatly helps to improve your appearance, but it’s also beneficial in treating certain medical conditions. The procedure is usually safe, but like any surgery, there are risks. If you’re considering liposuction, make sure you consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to see if it’s right for you. Don’t let those fats keep you down! Visit a reliable and experienced cosmetic surgeon to learn more about this procedure and understand how liposuction can help change your life!