Tips on Always Being the Center of a Party & Have a Joke Ready to Go (With Apps)

AppsTips & Tricks

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Sometimes it can be really hard to be funny. But no matter how you turn it, making someone laugh is a sure way to make new friends, meet new people, and so on.  Unfortunately, if you’re not one of those people that can simply crack a joke in a second, you will likely face awkward situations where people will laugh at everything but your joke.   

Since socialization itself is hard, let alone being humorous, we decided to turn for help to apps. As we researched what apps might help with being funnier (although it does sound a bit weird), we stumbled upon a surprisingly useful list of apps that provide quality jokes. So we thought if you get at least one good joke per day, you’ll be practically ready for any situation. And if the moment is right, you can simply recall the funny line and make others around you laugh. 

Before we dive into the “art of making people laugh”, here’s the list we found that inspired us to write the article.

Top Apps for Finding Funny Jokes Daily

In case you have more questions on how to find funny jokes after reading my tips, check this link out to see if you find an app that is perfect for what you’re looking for. Now, let’s dissect what jokes make what type of person laugh and so on. Comedy is science!

Finding the Perfect Joke for Your Mood

There is nothing that can make you laugh if you’re not in the right mood. Conversely, you have to be in the right mood for certain jokes. For example, even if you hear the funniest of jokes, if you’re in a bad mood, it might not be the right joke to compliment your mood. Look for an app that features jokes that will pair perfectly with your mood. For example, if you’re feeling a little gloomy, maybe some cute animal jokes will make you smile, or maybe a cute kid falling on ice, that might perk you up a bit. 

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The great thing about humor is that it comes in so many varieties and forms. So, no matter what the situation or mood is, there is surely a joke somewhere worth laughing at. Interestingly, there are apps to help you define the mood you’re in even if you’re unsure of it as well.  As the saying goes, a laugh a day keeps the doctor away, therefore no day should be without an app that can help you find your funny bone no matter what kind of day it is. 

And best of all, we found that as you figure out what joke makes you laugh when you’re in a specific mood, you also learn when to use a specific joke. Obviously, you want to stay away from dirty jokes in front of your parents. So yes, it’s all about timing and of course, the punch line. 

Different jokes for different audiences 

Yet, if your aim is not to make yourself laugh, but to make an audience laugh, that might be a bit tricker. Not to worry, you can find apps that help you filter through jokes by defining what kind of audience you have in front of you. For example, if your partner has invited you for dinner for the first time with their family, you want to filter jokes that would be appropriate for that setting. You don’t want to make a joke about female driving as you’re having your first romantic date. 

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Additionally, there are apps that can help you add funny jokes to your professional life. For example, let’s say you want to end a section of your presentation with a joke to speed up the next section, you can use a joke generator app for that. You want to find an app that has industry-specific jokes so the joke is perfect for your target audience. When telling jokes, it’s always important to know your audience and what they will find funny. For example, say your company has brought in staff from all around the world for a project. Since your audience is international, you should find an app that gives your light-hearted international jokes that everyone can identify with and find funny. Someone from Europe will hardly laugh at a joke about Thanksgiving. This situation is perfect for bringing differences together over laughter, instead of fumbling or possibly offending someone. Just keep in mind to keep it tasteful and you’ll be good to go.

Share your own jokes with the world

Now that you have exhausted all the good jokes you have found on apps, its time to break out the pencil and creativity and make your own. Indeed, maybe your jokes won’t be bought by the highest-paid stand-up comedian out there, but surely there are people out there that would really enjoy your sense of humor. Whether you’re the king or queen of puns, or you are really good at long jokes with perfectly set punch lines, you can share your jokes with the world without worry. There are quite a few joke apps out there that will let you submit your own jokes. 

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Since it only makes sense to further develop your comedy, the logical next step is to see what other people about your jokes. Some of the apps even let you submit your jokes anonymously making it even easier to take the leap inputting your jokes out there. It also might help you get over your fear if you see that people are loving the jokes you throw up on the app. But trust us, if you’re confident that your jokes are good, you should take the whole glory and stamp your name (or artistic name) on the joke. You don’t want someone to steal the fun.

In conclusion

Whether you’re aiming to make yourself laugh every day, no matter what kind of mood your in, apps can help guide you to the funniest joke of the day. Or, if you are trying to find that perfect joke for a particular audience, apps can help you achieve this goal too. And finally, if your dream is to spread your own jokes and get positive feedback, apps can help you release your comic creativity out to the world and see who laughs back.