Tire Snow Chains: Your Guide to Winter Traction and Safe Driving


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If you live in a region that has harsh winters, you should consider investing in safety equipment for icy or snowy road conditions. There are several types of tire snow chains to choose from based on state regulations and the severity of winter weather. It can also be worthwhile to compare the pros and cons of tire chains and snow tires. Find out everything you need to know to select the right tire chains for trucks or cars.

Benefits of Using Snow Chains

Snow chains are removable devices that strap onto tires. This equipment costs less and easier to put on and take off of your vehicle than snow tires. In deep snow, tire chains can provide better traction than winter tires.

There are also a few drawbacks to using snow chains. The maximum speed at which you can drive with most tire chains is 30 miles per hour. You will also need to remove snow chains before driving on cleared roads, as dry surfaces can cause chains to break or damage your tires and the road.

Installation, Removal & Maintenance Care

You should use snow chains that are the right size for the tires on your vehicle. Install chains on drive wheels, which means that you will need two chains for rear-wheel-drive vehicles or four chains for four-wheel or all-wheel drive vehicles. Start the installation process by putting your car in park, engaging the parking brake and draping chains over the top of each tire. Make sure that the short chains that cross the width of the tire are straight before tucking the ends of the chains between the tire and the ground.

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Drive forward slightly and turn the steering wheel to angle the wheels on the side you will finish installing chains on first inward. Connect the chains on each tire. Some types of chains require you to get under a vehicle during installation. You will need to retighten chains after driving a short distance of about 100 feet. Remove snow chains by disconnecting connectors, laying chains out flat and driving forward. Always allow chains to dry completely before storing to keep rust from forming.

Different Types of Tire Snow Chains

There are several types of tire chains to consider. First, you will need to choose from entry, standard, premium or alternative chain classifications. You can also choose from traditional link chains with diagonal, diamond, square or ladder link patterns, cable snow chains or rubber chains. In addition to deciding between snow tires vs chains, you should factor in seasonal weather patterns, relevant regulations for chains or studded snow tires and whether your vehicle has low-profile tires to choose the best option for safer winter driving.

Whether you decide to use tire snow chains or tires, you can get all of the automotive gear you need to prepare for winter weather at your nearest auto parts store or by shopping online. Once you know the type of winter weather safety equipment you need, you can order the right size of chains or tires for your car or truck.

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