How Long Does It Take for an Accurate Background Check?

Tips & Tricks

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Pre-employment screening involves many uncomfortable questions. However, there’s a particularly painful one. How long will it take a background check company like CheckPeople to screen your job candidates? 

As with other aspects of background check UK, including scope and price, the duration varies. The specific background check components are very diverse in themselves. This accounts for the extensive variation in check timelines. 

Typically, a check takes three business days on average. If unplanned circumstances emerge or there are other complications, it will take longer. Some aspects can take more than four days, depending on the situation. We explain the variations and their possible effect on a timeline in this article. 

Credit Check

Credit checks are designed to shed light on a job applicant’s credit history. The screening service checks credit agency records in a process that takes up to 48 hours. 

Employment verification

This screening component can take more time because it’s more complicated. The check provider has to get in touch with HR departments at previous workplaces. With the applicant’s cooperation, a verification might involve establishing self-employment periods. Typically, this takes up to three business days. If the candidate has worked abroad, it will take much longer. As many employers don’t share the employment details of previous staff members without a release form, you might need to get the candidate to sign one. 

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Identity Check

Identity checks range from instantaneous to up to two days, depending on the type you want to carry out. It might include checking an ID card, a passport, or driver’s license details. It can also involve a Social Security Number trace. These traces are a bit more extensive and include a candidate’s address history based on credit established, the state and year the SSN was issued, full name verification, and finding proof that this number actually belongs to this person. 

Educational verification

A typical academic verification takes up to three business days. During holidays and summers, when schools employ fewer staff, it can take more time. In every event, confirming credentials and qualifications education verification for employment involves extensive contact with schools, colleges, and universities. This takes both time and effort. If the candidate’s record has international entries, verifying these will add several days to the timeline. 

Some schools will ask for a release form before they can tell you whether the candidate was actually enrolled there and whether they graduated if they were. 

Criminal History 

Criminal background checks usually take up to two days in the US. Court staffing issues and holidays will prolong this timeframe. It might take you up to one month to check an applicant with history outside the US. It depends on the process the authorities in the respective country follow. Processes might include in-depth research in the event of more than one match or manual record checking. There’s also the language barrier to reckon with. In general, criminal history screening abroad ranges from ten to 20 days in length.

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Verifying Professional Qualifications 

These credentials may include licenses, certificates, and trade organization memberships. On average, it takes two business days to verify professional qualifications. 

Global Watch List 

Watch list searches covering individuals facing sanctions, people who’ve committed fraud, and potential terrorists are widely available. It can take just one day to do this kind of check.

Motor Vehicle Record Search 

Your state determines the duration of this search. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. 

How can You Speed up the Check, if at All?

The truth is that this isn’t possible just because of the sheer multitude of elements beyond the background check service and the candidate’s control. The best you can do is make sure it happens as quickly as possible. Failing to gather relevant information will slow it down. You might want your candidates to provide employment dates, types of degrees, previous addresses, and other critical information. Having all this information in one place will help avoid inaccuracies and facilitate a smoother and more optimal screening process. 

Misconceptions Beyond Background Check Length 

Employees and employers alike have many misconceptions about screening, which often lead to application or hiring mistakes. The background check process is faster and more affordable than many people imagine. Being hired or hiring a new staff member can be challenging. The fact that background checks have become critical to the recruitment process can add to the challenge. There are misconceptions around the type of information collected as well. While a single article cannot explain everything, we hope our findings have been useful. 

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