New Features of Facebook – Redesigned Facebook and Its Policies

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Facebook has recently made several changes in its design and services to promote community building and achieve business objectives. Those who haven’t used Facebook for a long time would be shocked to see the new avatar of Facebook layout as there are many added features to experience. And those who own one or more Facebook pages would get some incredible surprises that we will discuss below.

Page likes, followers, and views are like assets for page admins, and they try all techniques to get the most of all, and some even buy Facebook views for growth. So we will also see what Facebook has got to make it easier for admins to monetize their Facebook pages.

From A New Logo to a Whole New Experience 

As soon as you log in to your Facebook profile, you will be able to see that the layout of the main page or news feed page is entirely changed. First of all, there is a new logo for Facebook, and you will notice white space on the page than before. Then, in the header section, you will see some new icons, menu items, etc., and right at the beginning of the news feed are stories in rectangle boxes uploaded by people you follow.

Uploading A New Facebook Post Is Now Much Easier 

Now, as soon as you hit the “what’s on your mind” button on Facebook, a pop-up window appears where you are given several customization options for everything you post. This begins with choosing the audience for your post, adding backgrounds for the text, attaching files, and more. Moreover, you will be offered various typography options and a lot more in the compact floating window so that you can add as much information in your post as you want.

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Get Easy-To-Understand Notifications And Priority Settings 

The notification panel has got different icons now to make it easy to understand. Moreover, one can make settings to mute any notifications or other customization options for page notifications so that you only get notified for serious matters and no silly notifications like birthdays or such events on your business page.

Dedicated News Feed With Easy To Setup News Feed Preferences

  • It is easier than ever now to personalize your news feed for content that you prioritize the most. You can now pin posts from a particular person or page at the top of the news feed, so you don’t have to scroll down to see their new posts first. Similarly, one can also switch between the dark and bright modes of Facebook from the main page to make comfortable adjustments.
  • Newsfeed suggestions are also helping people to find their interests while Facebook pages and profiles are getting increased views from this feature. However, one can buy Facebook views if organic methods are not working for them. You don’t have to get paid traffic all the time, but only until you start getting desired traffic organically.

Changes Made To Encourage Page Engagement – Facebook Policies And Algorithm 

According to new Facebook algorithms, to increase engagement on Facebook pages, comments on any Facebook posts made by a public figure would be moved at the top to be visible below the post at all times. This way, people would see the comments from a public figure, which increases the chances for a broader audience to show engagement with the page and its posts. Moreover, pinning any comment below a post has made it more interesting.

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Switching Between Account – Profile To The Page Made Easy

Whether you use Facebook on computers or mobile application, switching between personal accounts and pages has been made a lot easier. This was a most awaited update s because earlier, it included multiple steps before you could switch accounts, but now it is only a two-step process.

You will see multiple small and significant changes like this when you will experience the new Facebook update. However, not everything is entirely changed, and it isn’t that Facebook has forgotten its basics, but the changes are only made to make the platform more user-friendly.

New Monetization Opportunities On Facebook For Content Creators 

With time, Facebook has opened more opportunities for online content creators like video monetization, Ad’s revenue, and more. But it wasn’t easy to create video content for everyone as, according to old Facebook policies, it was necessary to make at least a 3-minute video for monetization. But recently, with new policies, Facebook has eased it for its creators and allowed monetization on short videos as well. So now you can buy Facebook views for short videos as well to make more money.

More Safety And Integrity Made Possible With Facebook Updates 

  • Most of us have already experienced how Facebook has improved its Artificial Intelligence to detect any unethical activity on the platform and remove it immediately. For instance, recently, many posts were created on Facebook to spread fake news and remedies of the Covid virus, which were immediately detected by Facebook and tagged unverified for awareness.
  • Moreover, the blue badge, which ensures that the account belongs to a public figure, is now made more visible on accounts having it. Similarly, the fake accounts or void accounts created on the platform are removed from the database to keep it clean.
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When you buy Facebook views, this will ensure that the account is active and maintained by a user regularly, which means an increased conversion rate.

Page Management Tools And Actionable Insights With New Facebook 

Now you will get task-based admin controls on your Facebook pages management toolbox, which grants them the ability to control permission of specific tasks. So, for example, admins will be able to control the accessibility level of every post, such as allowed commenting, sharing, reposting, etc. Moreover, one would be able to manage insights, community activities, etc. as well.

It would be easier to understand how your audience reacts to your content, which would help you optimize the future content according to the audience’s interest. Besides, these all-other feature updates will collectively improve user’s experience and are supposed to bring back the craze of the platform among the young generations again.