A Complete Guide on How to Fix a Cracked Tablet Screen

Tips & Tricks

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The moment of truth: you pick up your fallen tablet from the ground, and you see it now has a cracked screen. Cue the echoing scream of “Nooooooo!” 

Now is not the time to panic, though. If you now have a cracked tablet, there is still time to learn what to do if you crack your tablet screen. This complete guide will help you fix your cracked tablet screen.

What’s the Damage?

Assess your cracked tablet screen before you consider tablet screen repair. Look for the following:

How Big is the Crack?

Do you have a crack like a spider web spanning the whole length of your screen? Is it a small hairline fracture?

A small crack may not be anything to worry about right away, but a bigger crack can be dangerous.

Did you Damage the LED Glass?

If you damaged just the surface of the glass, repairing your cracked tablet screen is not so much of an issue.

However, if you damaged the LED glass underneath the screen, you may have a bigger problem on your hands. You can tell the difference by a difference in pixels, color, or the general quality of the LED panel.

How Old is Your Tablet?

With a newer tablet, you likely spent a lot of money on it recently. In that case, going to repair is the best option.

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If it is an old tablet, repairing it may cost more than buying a new one. Consider the costs overall before you decide on buying a new tablet, though.

Should you fix or replace it?

Depending on the extent of the damage, you may want to consider fixing the screen rather than replacing the entire tablet. It will likely be cheaper in the long run.

Not sure where you can take your cracked tablet? Your local screen repair can help you fix it.

Do You Have a Warranty?

Check and see if you have a warranty for your cracked tablet. This may cover or help offset the cost of repairs for it, and most manufacturers provide warranties on their products.

Some manufacturers may not offer the kind of warranty that covers basic drops, so you need to double-check with them before pursuing a warranty claim.

If You Repair Your Cracked Tablet, What About Your Warranty?

Not all warranties will be your saving grace. If you opt to repair your cracked tablet screen, you may find yourself out of a warranty.

A third-party repair shop or fixing it yourself is out of the jurisdiction of the manufacturer, so it can impact your warranty with the manufacturer themselves if it returns with damages or changes they can’t fix in the future.

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Quick Fixes

Tempting as it is to repair your cracked tablet yourself, you may want to leave it for the professionals. That said, there are ways you can repair your phone by yourself.

Have another broken piece of technology? Check out the rest of our website for more information on what you should do!