A Short Guide on Mind Bending Language


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Have you been trying to learn about mind bedding language but unable to ace the language patterns or if you are a little confused about the practical application? As the name suggests the mind-bending language is made to create mind-bending moments. Also, known as MBM’s, these are verbal pattern inputs. The pattern one tries to understand is the subject’s way of thinking to help stimulate deeper thinking by accessing a new set of cognitive resources. 

Evolution of mind bending language

Mind bending language came into existence through a technique called “Beyond Words”. This was by a family therapist named John Overturf. Overturf was led to this path of creating this technique while he was struggling to force his clients to get the assignments done. In the process, he learned about NLP and even Ericksonian Hypnosis. The core process was known as metamodel.  The technique itself is highly effective and has finally led to the creation of mind-bending language. 

What is mind bending language used for?

Mind bending language is suitable for any sort of hypnosis. The most important thing is it helps break down strong mindsets. Such mindsets are all stuck in a loop and it wears out by repetition and is limited. It is true that mind-bending languages are quite fast and totally impossible to predict. It has the power to cut through and shatter mindsets stuck on any negative looping. 

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What does mind bending language do?

When you try to get people out of such mental patterns then that should be using a linear process. It is usually a step-by-step process. Usually, subjects cannot see beyond their constraints no matter what the logic is about. 

What Mind bending language does is cut through all the problems. It is quite like smashing a vase or a piggy bank to take out the dollar. This should be done instead of trying to squeeze one’s fingers in an uncomfortable way. The language helps to adopt fast and quick processes to reach the root of the problem. 

Mind bending language is very similar to exotic travel. It helps your subjects to get out of their comfort zone and let them shift to a totally different mental aura which may make them feel surreal. It is quite similar to a feeling you would experience if you shift to a new location or for those who constantly keep shifting and relocating to different places. As one can ask for their environment to be fresh and new it is a way to renew hopes and escape from all kinds of troubles. 

Though every relocation process might seem a bit familiar after a certain period of time, they would be reminded about the problems that have. So, even at an unconscious level, they are always planning of escaping and dealing with other issues same as moving or relocating.

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It might seem confusing initially as one is trying to smash reality – a world that they know about but placing them somewhere new. This is where the problem filters are removed and all the new possibilities are known. A mind-bending journey can actually be a little confusing at the beginning.