Application Modernization – Monolith to Microservices

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These days microservices architecture is gripping attention due to its flexibility, modularity, and scalability. But even to date, several enterprises are using monolith architecture, such as Stack Overflow, and they are doing well, no doubt. But there are organizations such as Google and Facebook that are building upon microservices architecture. These companies are scaling their businesses at a much faster pace.

Here, in this blog, we are going to discuss application modernization services and both architectures. Understand all considerations that one should take while upgrading to microservices architecture from monolith architecture and how to make your migration successful. So, let us start!

Microservices versus Monolith Architecture

The market is competitive. It demands faster transition along with strategies, IT support, and not to miss innovation. To ramp up quickly with changing market dynamics, nowadays, many enterprises are paving their path towards application modernization services from monolith to microservices. Because nowadays, enterprise roles are evolving, and they need to move away from a monolith business model to a faster service-oriented architecture that is easy to scale and manage.

Therefore, they are making progress with microservices architectures that are built upon the concept of modularity. Microservices architecture is independent of all services running in a system, unlike monolith, where even one service failure will fail the entire system. But, this is not the case with microservices, as they run independently and do not affect other running services. Individual components always speed up the software development processes. 

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Moreover, when you have new team members, they can work on individual components in a microservice architecture where each module is independent of other running modules. All functions are split into further smaller individual processes, where they typically have an API interface, function code for every single function and a dedicated database. Hence, it is always recommended to do application modernization services from a monolith architecture to microservices architecture.

4 Weakness of A Monolith Architecture

While one cannot deny the fact that monolith architecture is still in use, consider the following points that can be helpful while deciding on application modernization to microservices from the monolith.

  1. Difficult to scale up as all functions are tightly coupled, and there are no independent entities. If you apply changes to one code, it will affect other services. To what level? Well, that depends on your code complexity.
  1. A monolith model is complex, and even a single change or update will affect the whole system. Thus, a minor change in your system will be a time-consuming process.
  2. One failure will fail the entire system, and monitoring will be too tedious to address.
  3. Want to implement new technology to your monolith architecture? Think again! Because you need to rewrite the entire code.

Microservices Architecture Strengths

Apart from resolving the weak points of monolith architecture, you can explore why to move to a microservices framework.

  1. Individual components are not dependent on each other. Therefore, deployment, update and minor changes are manageable.
  2. Easy to understand code because all modular services are written individually and are easy to manage.
  3. You can strategically concentrate on ramping up any individual service module in the entire system, and it will not affect other codebases.
  4. A microservice model is less time-consuming and cost-effective, as you can transform every single entity. Moreover, you can also plan for future advancements with individual components within the same environment. 
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4 Important Considerations for Application Modernization Services

If you decide to infuse the innovation for your enterprise system architecture with the help of application modernization. We certainly recommend considering careful planning before transitioning to a new software development architecture.

1. APIs and Integrations – For microservices, you need several API integrations. Instead of building it from scratch, take the help of a low code platform API development where API’s can be auto generated and then take advantage of writing the business logic through generated API’s.

2. Data Migration – The entire data needs to migrate from the monolith system. For this, also, make use of low-code platforms as they are handy tools. These platforms can accelerate your data migration process through set routines with offline data access and on-time synchronizations.

3. UI Applications – Create a better user-friendly UI experience to encourage more interaction and on-the-go access. Design powerful dashboards, drag and drop features and enable users to predict data forecasts and intensive predictions. Add multiple customization options for better scalability and futureproofing of the system for further flexibility. 

4. Transform Only One Service at A Time – Transform your monolith services into sizeable chunks. Pre-plan what services you need to deploy first, and then implement application modernization services to microservices. Identify all individual components and then do the transformation one by one. 

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Application modernization is more of a mindset transformation to better technology. Eliminate the inefficiencies of your legacy system, and you can see incremental growth in terms of better employee collaboration and customer satisfaction. 

Our certified technology professional dealing in application modernization services can help you transform from monolith to microservices architecture. We at Cuelogic Technologies can help you achieve a smooth transition through a well-planned roadmap and result-oriented technology solutions. Connect today to discuss your requirements for application modernization services.

Cuelogic focuses on world-class software engineering by building Cloud Native & Data-Driven applications for SMEs to Large Enterprises. We are a technology-driven agile organization focusing on building and managing software products using cutting technology to leverage scalability and cost advantages.

Cuelogic specializes in Product Development, UX Consulting, Application Development, Application Modernization, Quality Assurance Services, cloud services, Cloud migration , Cloud migration, cloud optimization, cloud computing services, DevOps Services, IoT App development services, Data & Machine learning services, AI consulting services , Innovation consulting.