Do I Really Need Expensive Gear to Practice Yoga?


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If you’ve ever looked into the different types of yoga gear available, you know that most of it is pretty expensive. The tools made specifically for yoga often come with a big price tag. But do you really need all that expensive gear to practice yoga? 

What Do You Actually Need?

When you break down what you actually need for yoga, the list is surprisingly short. Really, the most important things that you need are free. 

First, you’ll need the drive and determination to do yoga. There are steps to learning yoga poses, practices, and techniques. This takes time and dedication. Time is the most important aspect here, as you’ll need at least an hour a day (or a few hours a week) to practice. Take that with a grain of salt. Though most courses want you to practice yoga at least this much, you can do as little or as much as you want. 

Second, the yoga mat. There is some debate about whether a yoga mat is essential for practicing yoga. Some will say that it is essential, while others believe that a substitution is fine. Others still think that you don’t need one at all.

The choice is yours. You can practice yoga on the floor in your home or apartment. A mat helps keep you stable and keeps you off the floor. Still, it is possible to practice without it.

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The Absolute Essentials

If you only have a little bit of extra cash and want to get started in yoga, a yoga mat is absolutely the first thing you should purchase. For some, this is the only tool that you’ll need. You won’t encounter many (if any) other tools during your time as a beginner. 

Other than the mat, you’ll also need tighter workout clothes. There’s a reason they’re called ‘yoga pants’! Any tight-fitting, stretchy clothing will do. Avoid wearing loose clothing while doing yoga, as extra cloth can get into your way. It can get quite dangerous to wear extremely loose clothing while doing yoga. 

When you’re just getting started, you can find some basic instructions online. However, purchasing a beginner’s class or training plan through a local studio is your best bet to get started right. When you’re practicing using a video, there’s no one present to correct your posture or guide you. Some of these plans can be inexpensive and don’t require much of a time commitment. If you’re interested in becoming a teacher, many yoga studios offer yoga teacher training at a fairly low-cost.

Using Household Items as Yoga Props

If you are strapped for cash, you can always use household items as your yoga props. If you are practicing at home, no one is stopping you from using items you already have.

For example, some poses use a yoga block for support. You can use a stack of books (secured together with a belt or tie) instead, or a low table if you have one. You can easily use a dining room chair for a yoga chair if it’s sturdy and has an open back. 

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Similarly, you can use a belt, tie, or long sock as a yoga strap if you are determined enough. You can make a lot of substitutions instead of relying on overpriced gear to practice yoga.


Simply put, you do not need expensive gear to practice yoga. There are a ton of props you can substitute, different clothes you can wear, and more. All you need to get started is the drive, the time to put into learning – and maybe a mat.