Does bloating cause weight gain


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Have you ever felt uncomfortably full after eating? Perhaps you’ve even considered whether you’d feel better in loose-fitting pants. If so, you’ve probably experienced bloating. Bloating occurs due to an excess of solids, liquids, or gas in the digestive system. It is frequently confused with water retention, but they are not the same thing. Bloating is more common in the abdomen and is linked to diet, stress, and lifestyle. Bloating is frequently accompanied by pain, burping, excessive gas, or abdominal rumbling. 

It can also cause your abdomen to appear swollen or larger than usual. Some people believe it causes unexpected weight gain. But most emphatically not. In most cases, however, bloating is only temporary and poses no serious health risks. You can also take steps to alleviate the discomfort. You can take home remedies or supplements that can help alleviate bloating. Colon Broom is an excellent supplement. As explained by Clarke, M., Colon Broom is a natural dietary supplement with the highest quality and organic ingredients that can relieve constipation and bloat. For more health and medical information, visit

Does Bloating Cause Weight Gain?

Many people are unaware that there is a distinction between bloating and weight gain. Bloating may add a pound or two on occasion, but it does not indicate weight gain. The appearance and feel of your stomach can help you distinguish between weight gain and bloating. Bloating is the cause of a tight and hard stomach. Fat is present if your stomach is soft and thick.

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If you’re overweight, there are numerous ways to achieve weight loss. We’ll take a deep dive into bloating here.

Bloating is a temporary condition caused by fluid buildup in your digestive tract. Consider the following abdominal bloating causes.

  • Hormones

Have you ever noticed that you feel puffy and uneasy around your period? This is because your period is caused by a hormonal imbalance. And stomach bloating can occur when your hormones are out of balance. When you combine bloating with water retention, you get some temporary weight gain.

  • You Are What You Eat

It’s a good reminder that what you put in your body has an impact on all of your body systems, and food definitely has an impact on the gases in your stomach. Foods that cause bloating can, of course, be nutritious. 

Bloating can also be caused by cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and kale, as well as an excess of fiber. It may also be due to salty foods. Some foods are naturally gas-forming, which isn’t usually a problem unless you’re particularly sensitive to them. Then you may have bloated stomach due to having too much gas stuck in your system.

  • Gulping Air

Even if you’ve never considered gulping air as a cause of bloating, it makes ideal sense. You consume extra amounts of air if you chew a lot of gum, eat too quickly, or drink a lot of carbonated beverages. The air enters your stomach and has nowhere to go but up or down. It can end up causing your stomach and intestines to bloat while it waits to escape, making you feel uncomfortable and tight.

  • Dehydration
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Do you have dry skin? Have you experienced constipation? Is your urine the dark color of iced tea? Then you’re dehydrated, and if you’re not bloated already, you will be soon.

How to Get Rid of Bloating

The strategies listed below can help relieve bloating at the moment and, in some cases, reduce or even prevent bloating in the future.

  • Get Some Physical Activity

If you’re bloated, you might not feel like working out, but that’s fine. Even a short walk around the block can stimulate your digestive system and help move trapped gas.

  • Stay Hydrated

Drinking water before, during, and after meals can help reduce bloating by flushing out excess sodium, which can cause bloating.

  • Consider Yoga

Some yoga poses can aid digestion and bloating relief by encouraging intestinal movement. Try different poses such as sphinx, triangle, torso twist, and cat-cow. 

  • Massage Your Stomach

A gentle, circular massage can help stimulate your bowels and relieve abdominal pain. Massage your right hip bone up toward your ribcage, across your upper belly, and down toward your left hip bone.

  • Consider Using Peppermint Oil

According to research, peppermint oil capsules can help relieve bloating and other IBS symptoms. Just be aware that peppermint oil can occasionally cause heartburn. Before using peppermint oil or any other supplements, always consult with your regular medical provider.

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The Bottom Line

Bloating after a meal is unpleasant, but bloating by itself usually does not pose any major health risks. Identifying the cause can help you take immediate steps to relieve bloating and reduce the likelihood of it happening again.

If you have any concerns, speaking with your healthcare provider or a dietitian is always a good idea, especially if the bloating is severe. Also, if you notice sudden weight loss and bloating without dietary changes and exercise, consult a doctor.